Chapter 9 : What now ?

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Flowey watched Sans anxiously, as the brothers were chatting in the kitchen. When Red found them, Flowey didn't think twice and pleaded him to save Sans, which he did without hesitation. He carried them to his house, placed Sans on the couch with a blanket covering him. Though now, Flowey was wary : they were in the brothers' house, after all, both brothers tried to kill Sans, and succeded at some point. Moreover, the fact that Papyrus left Sans in the cold without helping him, and that Red probably knew that is brother was killing Sans but didn't do anything to stop them didn't help their case. So he watched over Sans for the five past hours, not letting either skeleton coming too close to his friend. Yes, he was tired, has some leaves still frozen, but right now, the only one able to protect their lives was out cold, and would probably stay like this for a long time. Flowey rested it's head against Sans' shoulder, closing it's eyes a moment. 'Come on Sans, wake up...'

Meanwhile, in the kitchen...

"SO...YOU'RE SAYING THAT YOU KNEW THIS MONSTER WAS THERE, WANDERING FREE AS IF NOTHING WAS WRONG, AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, AM I CORRECT?" Papyrus was putting his lasagnas into the oven, closing it and programmed an alarm for when it will be properly cooked. He did it with what could be calm, but Red knew better : Papyrus was furious, and was just really good at keeping his emotions behind a mask. They were both good at this game. "Yes. So?" Red remained focus on his task, it was a vry important one after all : his pet rock needed those sprinkles badly.  A hand seized his arm, making his stop. Red looked to his brother. " YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP HIM??!! HOW COULD YOU!" "Oh shut, it! What was I supposed to do? Kill him mercilessly?" "DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME, BROTHER. YOU NEVER HESITATED TO KILL BEFORE. NOW, BECAUSE OF YOUR INCOMPETENCE, THE ROYAL GUARD WILL KNOW A WEAK MONSTER IS THERE. ASGORE WILL KNOW! HELL, THE WHOLE UNDERGROUND WILL KNOW!!" Papyrus whispered-shouted. "Oh? So this is my  fault, now? I let him go ta ya, thinking ya would finish the job. Yet here he is, alive, in our house. So stop blaming me when your partly responsible." Red growled back. "YOU ASKED ME NOT TOO, REMEMBER? YOU SEND ME A TEXT, TELLING ME TO SPARE HIM." "A text you could have easily ignored, considering you were already fighting." Red smirked victouriously, "Admit it already, ya didn't want ta kill him either."

There was a brief pause, during which both brothers stared at each other. Until Papyrus finally gave in. "*sigh* FINE. BUT NOW, WHAT DO WE DO?" "Well, the first thing would be ta heal him properly." Sans stood, retrieving the lasagnas from the oven just before the alarm went off. "YOU'RE KIDDING? WITH THAT STUPID FLOWER ACTING AS A WATCH DOG, WE WON'T BE ABLE TO DO A SINGLE THING." "Pfft, hahahahahaha!!!" Red laughed loudly, probably startling Flowey in the other room. "WHAT IS IT THAT YOU FIND THAT FUNNY?" Asked Papyrus suspiciously. "Nothing bro, except the fact that ya are afraid of a small little flower that can't do anything against a whimsun!" Papyrus stood there, expression unreadable, before suddenly stomping loudly towards the living room! "THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS ISN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!!!!" He screeched a the top of his lungs. Red kept snickering as he sliced a piece of lasagna, putting it on a plate. He paused a moment, before turning to the fridge, opening it and took a bottle of ketchup with him.

As he rounded the corner, he heard yelling from his angry brother and an equally angry Flowey. He sighed and entered the room. Flowey was too busy hissing and trying to bite his brother to pay attention to Red. He gently puuled Sans up, making him lean on Red. He wasn't so cold anymore, instead he gave off a welcoming warmth, which was...odd for Red. It was new, so new, and to be honest, he liked this feeling. He leaned more into Sans while being careful not to jostle the smaller one, seeking more of that warmth. He shivered lightly at the contact. "What the hell are you doing?!" Flowey yelled, finally noticing him. "Trying ta heal him, isn't it obvious?" "Don't you dare touch him!!" "...Ya really don't trust me, do ya?" Flowey laughed manically. "Trust you??!! After what you did?! You think I didn't hear you with your brother earlier?!  I. KNOW. EVERYTHING." Flowey said darkly. "...I'm sorry. I know it'll never excuse what I did, but still. I'm...I'm really sorry for everything." "...That's alright. After all, I already forgave you."

They all turned surprised to Sans, who was finally up. "SANS! Finally!!" Sans smiled apologetically. "heh, sorry for scaring you that much." "Humph, you better be!" Flowey pouted, still into Papyrus' grasp. Sans looked at Papyrus, letting some gratitude transpire through his eyes. "Thank you, Pap." "WHAT FOR?" he said, turning away at the nickname. It was the one his brother used before. "Well, for sparing us and letting us stay here to rest." "YOU SHOULD BETTER THANK MY BROTHER THEN" Papyrus grumbled, crossing his arms. Sans turned to Red, blushing as he realized how close they currently were. "Thank you, Red. For everything, really." Red stared a moment, before turning his face away. "Don't mention it, sweetheart. Ya should better eat before it gets cold." "Okay then." Sans took a bite of it, noticing the way papyrus looked curiously at him. He ate it quietly. "S-Sans? What's wrong?" Flowey asked worried, as a tear fell down Sans cheekbone. "Yeah, *snif*, I-I'm fine. It's really good, Pap..." "OF COURSE IT IS, NO NEED TO CRY TO PROVE IT." "Y-yeah, sorry. It's just...It reminded me of my own brother's cooking..." Everyone went silent for a moment, before Papyrus headed to his room. "Where are ya going, boss?" "TO MY ROOM, YOU IDIOT. IT'S ALREADY NIGHTIME." he pause for a moment, before turning to Sans still on the couch. "GOOD NIGHT." Then he closed his door. "We should all prolly do the same thing now. Get comfy here, I'll get ya a pillow." "And why shoul he sleep on the couch?" Red did stop on his track, but didn't turn. "...My room is much colder than here."

After getting Sans a pillow, he turned to leave, but froze as he felt someone catching his wrist. Normally now, Red would react quite violently to this gesture, for it usually meant an attack. But here, he didn't attack. The touch was soft and kind, unlike every other touches from before. "Thanks again Red. I feel like I will never stop saying it. Have a good night." Sans told him, his eyes slowly closing. "...Good night, sweetheart..." then he teleported to his room. He barely look at his surroundings as he collapsed into his mattress, trying to sleep. But of course, things were never easy. He would turn in his bed, again and again, but sleep didn't come. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' Though he already knew the answer : it was because of Sans.

It was really strange. Since he met the smaller skeleton,  strange feelings would come to him, some even contradicting with others. And there were that moment on the couch, when he was seeking out more contact with Sans, and just now, when Sans held his wrist...  It felt nice. It was a first for him. Danger, hostility,roughness,  hate, these were emotions he could understand, emotions he lived with for so much time now. Security, Kindness, sweetness,  forgiveness, those emotions were unknown to him. Yet, he wanted to feel more of them. But a question struck him : 'Is it just this that I'm attracted to... or is it... him?' He didn't find an answer, as finally sleep claimed him. For once, the whole house was sleeping peacefully.

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Here's another chapter! Sorry I took so much time to post it, I had quite a long day today! Tell me what you thought of it, as usual! Have a nica day or night!!

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