Chapter 16 : No matter what you chose, I'll go with you

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"I'll go along with whatever Sans wants to do. That's his journey after all, it's not up ta me to decide what he does or not." Alphys stayed silent, before sighing loudly. "You're so BORING... You're making me sick with this positive aura around you...Ugh, you can go get Sans, but careful with him, okay?" "Of course" Red answered softly, going to the elevator as Alphys stared at Flowey.

  "...What?" "You look like one of Asgore's flowers." "So what?" "I'm not stupid, you know? Far from that. I know that there' s no way a flower who come to life like that. You'll need a lot of things to do that , monster's dust among them. First conclusion : you were a monster, but for certain reason died , and it happened in Asgore's garden. Second conclusion : there is only one monster who died in Asgore's garden, all the others were executed elsewhere, like in the capitol or in the judgement hall, and this monster was the prince Asriel." Alphys stopped, still staring at Flowey, who couldn't bare her gaze anymore. "I'll take your silence as a yes. But I have another question : what happened," "As if you didn't know." "I only know the official version, but knowing Asgore, this is probably just a web of lies." Flowey was curious now. "What's the official version?" "That you were killed by the human -Chara I think - while you were playing in the garden. From what Asgore said, it was their plan all along, and tha-" "That's a lie!" Flowey growled. Alphys took a step back, surprised. "Chara was my best friend, they would have never do that! They died while trying to protect me from my father! He is the one who killed us!" Alphys was stunned for a moment, before continuing, almost whispering. "Kid...Do you realize that you're talking about your father - the King nonetheless, being a murderer, right?" "You do realize that he executed monsters just because they refused to kill? That he ordered Papyrus and your girlfriend to kill both Sans and Red?" "Sh-she's n-n-no-ot m-m-m-my gir-girlfrie-e-end!" Alpys squeaked indignantly. "That's not the point..." Flowey deadpaned. "*Cough* You're right. And...It doesn't surprise me to learn that he killed his own son. It's Asgore we're talking about." "Yeah, and if we don't hurry, he'll lash out on us soon." 

They both turned as they saw Red back with Sans on his back, sleeping. "Flowey slithered back to Sans' shoulder. "How is he?" "Exhausted and weak, but he'll be fine if we hurry." They were about to leave when the door to the lab opened. "Then you'll need to run, darling. Guards are searching for you right now." That voice awoke Sans slowly, making him turn his face towards the lab entrance. It was so familiar, reminding him of 'home'. "Metta?" He asked tiredly. "Huh? Do we know each other, darling?"  Sans blinked his eyelights tiredly. That...was quite impressive. Save for the color, the other sets of arms and eyes and the fractured chest, it was the Mettaton he knew. Same smile, almsot same appearance, but contrary to the other inhabitants of this world, his didn't spread hostility or negativity. He looked almost as harmless as Sans. 

"You look so much like him..." "I...I'm not sure who you're talking about, dear, but it's not important right now. You need to escape quickly, Sans. I heard them say that they would kill you on sight." "You heard them?" Red asked skeptically. "They search the hotel from the attic to the basement for the both of you. Hard to not hear them." Red snorted at that comment. "Let me guess, they were howling, weren't they? But alright, I'll follow your advice. But, why are you helping us?" "Well, first of all, as the expression of gratitude towards my greatest follower, and ... because when I needed help, I had someone I could rely on..." Mettaton looked at Alphys, smiling softly, but it was clear that he wasn't just refering to Alphys. "This darling there is really brave. News go fast, you know? So of course I heard about a small skeleton traveling through the whole Underground without hurting anyone, trying to resolve his problems by pacific means. How could I not help him?" "Thanks Mettaton, we'll owe you." Red walked to Mettaton, stopping as he felt Sans tugging his sleeve. "What is it, Sweetheart?" "Darling?" "...Thanks Metta.... You're... a great monster. When everyone will be free... I hope you'll be able ... to meet your alternate...and be happy. You deserve it... Like everyone." Mettaton let some tears roll as he smiled at the soft monster. "Thank you darling. Now go, before it's too late. I hope we'll meet again soon." I hope... so..." Sans closed his eyes and went back to sleep. "Alright, let's go!"

Both monsters looked the trio -well Red- run fast, out of the lab and towards the CORE. "How did you know they were here?" "Undyne told me so. Oh, and she said hi." Alphys squealed gleefuly. "Sh-she d-d-did? Oh m-my!" "Alphys darling, for your sake and mine, stop dancing around your feelings and tell her!" "No!! What if...what if she didn't feel the same?" "And you claim being the smartest of us all..." "Hey!" "Besides, what do you risk? I'll tell you : nothing, except having your feelings reprocicated." "And we'll both lose our lives." "Who told you that? Because love is a 'weakness'? These two didn't seem weak at all, and they were certainly not dead. " At the mention of the two skeletons, Alphys' eyes became sad. "I hope their journey will end well." "I hope as well. But...there is a big obstacle to that path of happiness they want." "Yes...And I'm afraid this obstacle destroyes them sooner or later..."

Sans                                                             LV1                                                200: 16

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Sans felt himself sliping in and out of countless 'sleep time', as well as he felt his life draining away every time he had to reset. It was the... seventh? eighth? He couldn't say with certitude. "Come on Sans, we're almost there! Faster, Red!" "I do what I can!!" Red shouted, as he ran as fast as he could. Then, he fell face first on the ground. "Aouch..." Why did he fell? There was nothing on the path... He suddenly realized why : he was lighter. "Sans!" He turned to see Sans on the ground, looking back at him. "I...I'm fine!" Red get back to him. "What happened?!" "His arms!" Flowey said sounding alarmed. And he had any reasons to be like this : Sans arms were covered in golden flowers. "I can't...feel them...anymore..." "What should we do?!" Without thinking twice about it, Red carried Sans in his arms, bridal-style, close to his chest. " Are you okay like this?" Sans nuzzled weakly into Red's shirt. "Hmm hmm." "Alright then, let's hurry!"

Hi again! As promised, another chapter arrived today! I hope you aren't too disapointed that both Alphys and Mettaton didn't appear a lot. I'll probably post another chapter tomorow, but I will also post another A/N, really important for the story. It would be fantastic if many persons answered it! Anyway, Comments and questions are welcome as usual! See you soon and have a nice day or night!!

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