Chapter 12 : A quiet morning

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Red awoke slowly in his bed. Morning light cam through his cutains, casting a soft light into the room. Sleepily, he tried to get back to his dream, a pleasant one for once, and as he snuggled up his the bedding, he met a hard, yet soft and warm surface. He opened a little his eyes, and was met with Sans face, just a few inches away from his own face. That awoke Red completely. He tried to sat up, but Sans' arms were tightly wrapped around his ribcage. Red was panicking a bit. 'How did he end up there? When di-' Then the memories of the previous night came back to him. That's right...they both confess their love to each other, there were kisses, hugs and... Oh. Red blushed a lot rememebering what they did last night, in their newfound passion? Oh boy, he was lucky his brother hadn't been there, or else... 'Well, he's still not here, and Sans is still sleeping, so...' Red held Sans close to him, tucking Sans' head under his chin, and just basked in the quiet atmosphere of the room.

Sans shifted a little, waking up as Red tightened his hold. "Hmm..." he turned, giving his back to Red and leaning back against him. Red smiled, then kissed softly Sans' shoulder. "Good morning Sweetheart. Hope ya slept well." Sans closed his eyes, smiling softly before turning again, nuzzling Red's ribcage. "Good morning Red. Yeah, I slept well, but enough..." "Hehe, I wonder why, hm?" Sans blushed a little, but didn't mind the teasing. last night had been...wonderful. He looked back at Red, before iniating a chaste kiss with his lover. REd obliged happily. They stay like this for a moment, before Sans broke the silence with a smile. "So, we're like, a thing now?" Red's smile faltered a bit. "I want ta, but, erm... I hope ya'll understand that I can't be really demonstrative outside..." Sans took Red's hands into his own, not stopping smiling. "I understand, don't worry. That's why you wanted to take us here, after all, right?" "Yeah...I wish it could be simple, that I could act the way I want...I could show that I love ya wherever we would be."  "... There is a solution, you know..." Red's grip tightened slightly. "Sweetheart..." "I get it, sorry...We should talk about this after breakfast, what do you say?" "Okay then."

They both got out of the bed and gathered their clothes, scattered around the room. Then they proceeded to climb down the stairs, holding tightly their hands. As they got down, they saw Flowey on the table, where they last saw him. "...There you are." "Good morning Flowey!" "Morning weed." "Morning you two... Seems like you had a good night, am I wrong?" Flowey teased as a knowing smirked splitted his face. "...!!" Sans blushed immediately while Red smiled evily, and said in a chuckle, "Quite a good night indeed, thanks bud." Then he went with Sans -who put Flowey on his favourite spot: his shoulder- in the kitchen, preparing and eating breakfast.

"Can we talk about it Red? Please, that's important and you know it." "...Alright, let's talk." "I want to cross the barrier and bring your kind to the surface. Not only you'll all be happier, but also...there's a chance that my family and friends would be there as well. And I miss them." "...I'm not enough for ya?" Red asked, hurt in dripping in his voice. Sans' eyes widden in surprise at Red's assumptions, and he hugged his lover tightly. "Stars Red, of course you're enough! You're even more than everything I could ask for! But...I love my family and friends too, just like you and your friends." Red chuckled dryly at that statement. "Friends? Sorry Sweeteheart, but here we don't have 'friends'. The concept of friendship is unknown ta us." Sans Looked sadly at Red, knowing quite well what he meant, but not wanting to give up on him. "If we succed and we reach the surface, then everything will change! You'll be able to make friends, real ones who won't betray you, you'll see the sun and the stars... We could be together without any problems..." Red thought about it for a moment. 'Maybe...Maybe that's not such a bad idea. But...' "But then, we have to think of something for ya. In your current state, I fear that ya may not survived, and I don't want to risk it."

 Sans half-listened to what Red was saying, as he felt something strange. He felt..dizzy all of the sudden, tired and he almost couldn't feel his wrists. "Sweetheart? Are ya listening?" Red asked, seeing his lover distracted. "...Red...Flowey...There's something....wrong..." Sans was clutching his ribcage tightly. Red reached for him immediately. "Sweetheart! What's wrong?!" " *Wheeze* I... I can't.... *Wheeze* ...breathe..." Red frantically tried anything to soothe Sans' pain while Flowey was tried to calm Sans down. That's when they noticed somethin horryfying : Not only were the golden flower covering is forearms and now his legs , but some vines were visible underneath, and looked like they were crushing Sans' body. " Sans... No.. no no nonononononono!" Red was in full panic now. What the hell was they supposed to do? Why was this happening? Why now? He vaguely registered Flowey calling out for him to do something, but he didn't know, he wasn't a doctor, he could- "ALPHYS!!!" Red screamed as he got an idea. "What?! That crazy scientist?! Do you want to kill him?! That's out of question!!" "You got a better idea? If you do, I'll gladly take it!" Red growled as he carefuly helped Sans on his feet. "How are ya feeling? Do ya think ya can walk?" Sans' pain lessened, leaving him panting and dizzy, but he could still walk. "I...I think I can." "Okay then, we need ta go ta Alphys quickly. I know she can help us. She has ta." 

The three of them went back to Waterfall, trying to pass it as quickly as possible. But in his state, Sans couln't go to far at Red's pace. "Red!! I... *huff* *huff* please wait! I can't... *huff* keep up!" Red looked back at Sans, anxiety shinning through his eyes. "Okay, we'll rest a little in the next room. " They entered into another room, where a statue was sitting against the wall, a umbrella next to it. Sans, who was the closest to the statue, shakily took the umbrella and put it on the statue's hand, protecting it from the rain. "There... You don't have to be the only one without something to protect you from the rain." He smiled. His eyes drifted slowly to the right, where -surprisingly- a save point was waiting for him. He reached for it.

Sans                                                      LV1                                                                     170:57

Waterfall - Statue    

File Saved

' More than a week ' Sans thought, as he sat down. 'How come I didn't feel like time was passing? I should have count the days...' Red caught him in time as he fell in a deep slumber.


Hello everyone ! I hope you're all having a great day ! I'm sorry I couldn't post sooner and I'm sorry to tell you that I wouldn't be able to post until at least friday, for I have an exam of linguistic grammar thursday, and I'll spend all my wednesday between courses and some time to prepare properly my exam. That's also why I have been less active than I should have. Well, that's all for me! Comments and questions are welcome, as usual! Have a nice day!

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