Chapter 21 : To the castle

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Red looked dumbfonded at the now grinning Muffet, not believing nor understand what the hell just happened. Sans seemed to be as confused as he was, though he looked relieved that what he said saved their lives. Even Muffet's pet looked confused. Though it was something 'normal' with Muffet : she loved money and spiders; so when someone was kind to spiders by giving them money, Muffet would never harmed them. But... "Why are ya sparing us? Ya're the King's executor, right? There's no way ya wouldn't disobey the King, would ya?" Flowey tensed at that information, secretly extending his vines, in case he had to quickly grab Sans and run, while the latter was nervously looking at Muffet, waiting for her answer. Muffet looked neutral for a moment -reminding them their respective Frisk- before breaking into giggles, a smug expression on her face. "Oh Sans, as if you didn't kow already~..." She said, making her way to him. Red shook and tried to scramble away, but couldn't move, as he was still trapped in the webs. Muffet bend down, being now at red's level. "You know very well that I only obey the orders whenever I want. Asgore may be my King, but I'm not like all his lapdogs who serve him as guards,  wagging their tails in front of him. I'm not scared of him, unlike all the other monsters. Such cowards !~" Sans shivered, not liking what he heard, but...there was something...odd. She talked to Red as if they knew each other more than they let on. His suspicions proved to be true, unfortunately. "I mean, it's not like you should be dead by now! And i'm not talkin about right now! Oh, you didn't forget, did you?~" Red was uncontrolably shaking by now, whimpering now and then. "You know? When the King was such a paranoid that he condemn you to death because he thought that you were plotting against him. Which was true of course!~ But, with great leniency, I let you live, not without keeping an eye on you. Not that you didn't already know, Ahuhuhuhu!~ So, imagine my surprise when I discovered that you were once again targeted by the King, for treachery this time! Because of that sweet little monster behind you!~  I was ready to kill the two of you -especially for the reward that would have fall into my hands- and to bring yur dust to the King..."She then went over to Sans, and with a burst of strength one wouldn't suspect, she get Sans out of the webs and was now holding him in her arms. "Buuuuut now that I know that this sweet little cream puff is someone who LOVES spiders, then I couldn't kill him! It makes sense, right? Ahuhuhuhuh!~" She was petting Sans' cheekbones now. That was...disturbing. For everyone. Including Muffet's pet. 

"So,erm...Will you let us go? Please?" She looked at him happily. "Oh of course you can go. Now shoo shoo, I have some unfinished business with this Sans over here." She said darkly, motionning to her pet that he could go ahead. Terror shone into Red's eyelights as he struggled to break free, even though he knew it was useless. "Wait!!! You can't do that! Red didn't do anything wrong!! He just wants to help me free your kind! That's all!" "Oh but I already know that , deary." Sans stopped dead in his tracks. "W-what? Wait..." "The spiders, right? Ya were following us through ya're net of informations, collected by all your spiders. Ya were already watching us, probably from Sans' arrival to the moment we fell into your trap, am I right?" Red regained some of his composure, but still didn't look alright. "Of course, deary! My spiders are more efficient than anything here! Even Alphys' cameras can't do better!" "Then please, let us go! Sans needs Red to get to the barrier! Besides, they love each other! Don't pretend you don't know that! Will you really let Sans go alone, walking to his death, alone?! You talk about your spider as if you couldn't live without them! Well, that's the same about these two! Without the other to support them, to anchor them, they will both die! Can you live with that on your conscience?" They were all surprised to hear Flowey's voice. Sans thought that he was still in a sort of catatonic state, too afraid of everyone here, so hearing him being so sure of himself...that was something new. Even in his world, Sans never heard Asriel talking with such certainty.

"Oh? What a strange flower!~ Ahuhuhuhu... Dear, I'm the King's executor. Do you really think I would feel guilty over this? Please, don't underestimate me.~" She smirked at Flowey, thinking she has the upper hand on this. "So...You're ready to kill someone who helped your family? And you tell me that you will keep following someone who mercilessly step on spiders just for fun?" Flowey smirked almost sadisticaly while Muffet's eyes widden. "...What did you say?" "You didn't know? Asgore does that often, you know? I even heard him say that spiders were disgusting, and that he should killed all the ones in the Ruins. An-" "And how can I know that you aren't lying?!" Muffet growled out. For the first time since she showed herself, Muffet lost her composure and looked beyond furious. "Why don't you ask your spiders? I suppose they were too scared of Asgore to tell you what he did." Muffet immediately called her spiders, who gathered around her. She crouched down, and listened to them for long minutes. Suddenly, she stood up, then snapped her fingers. At her signal, armies of spiders went to the trio to free them from the cobwebs. Once he was free, Red ran to Sans checking him for any injuries, before delicately taking him in his arms. "Are ya okay, love? The spiders didn't hurt ya, did they?" "No Red, don't worry about me, but thank you." Before Red could do anything, Sans tried to wrap him in his arms. Red looked confused at Sans. "Sansy? What's wrong?" "...I didn't know...about...what happened between you and Muffet...And between you and Asgore...I'm...I'm s-sorry.." Small tears were shining at the corner of his eyes, but Sans refused to let them fall. Red smiled sadly at Sans , before kissing his forehead softly. "It's fine, Sansy. I'm fine now. And I don't regret taking risks for ya now. So don't worry about me and focus on you, alright?" Sans looked at Red for a moment, before slowly nodding. "Thank you, Flowey." "Yeah, thank ya. Ya probably saved my life." Flowey blushed lightly at the praises, not having expect them. "W-well, c-consid-der this as a-an a-apolog-gy know.." Red smiled at that and petted softly Flowey's petals. "Alright kiddo."

"Well dearies, you should hurry now. My spiders will show you the way to the King's castle. Now go!~" Strangely enough -or not, Muffet didn't seem to be in the mood to talk anymore. And neither of them was willing to bother her more than they already did. "Thank you, Muffet." She didn't answered back, that was a good indication that they should go now.

Hours later...

Sans, Red and quietly thanked the spiders, who immediately returned back to the tunnels. They looked at the castle that seemed really close to them now. They took a deep breath,before Red finally moved toward the sinister shape.


Muffet was pacing back and forth, wanting to scream at the top of her lungs. How did she not see this coming? Since when some spiders didn't tell her everything?! Did something or someone prevented them to?! Asgore would pay for this!! But how?? She stomped angrily, letting out a shout for frustration. "Well well, you look a little frustrated. I wonder why..." Muffet quickly turned around, easily recognizing the voice. "You!" "Listen, I got a proposition for you. And I think you'll like it...What do you say...Darling?"


Hello everyone! First of all, I'm really sorry i didn't post anything this week. I had exams all day, and I was too tired in the evening to write. moreover, I didn't know what to write for this chapter. But that over! Now that school is over, I'll have plenty of time to write! Second, I realized that I made some mistakes in the last chapters, about the typpos, but I corrected it! I hope I didn't make people confused about this! Well, that's all for now! I hope you liked this chapter! As usual, comments and questions are welcome! I wish you a nica day or night!!

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