Chapter 5: You're on my side....Right?

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Sans stared at the snow. He felt sick, not for the general atmosphere, but for one detail: the snow was covered in dust. How many monsters died here ? Why did they die? "You're thinking too much, let's just continue." "Wh... I didn't say anything!" "You're easy to read, you know?" Flowey looked a moment to the snow. "Many monsters died there. So much that no matter how strong the wind is, dust remains over the snow. It has been like this for so long... Many monsters don't even know that snow doesn't look like this." "But you remember, don't you? I mean, when you were Asriel." "Yes. At that time, things were better than now." Sans thought for a second, before going to a giant snow ball next to the door, sitting down. "Can you tell me more about it? Please?" "Why do you care?" It wasn't venomous or anything. It was genuine. "Because...I feel like you need to talk to someone. And I think that you want someone else to remember as well, even though I wasn't there.

Flowey looked in the vague for a moment, before finally telling the story of this world.                      " A long time ago, two races ruled over the world: humans and monsters. There were tensions between them, for monsters were strong and sometimes a little aggressive. But they had their reasons: Humans took more and more lands to themselves, not hesitating once about killing. Then, one day, a war broke between them. Even though they were strong, monsters lost and were sealed Underground. But things were alright. Until Asgore took the power from the original king. Asgore is a real tyrant." "Wait a minute, you're talking about your father there." "I know, but... It's the truth. He was brutal, wanting nothing more that to destroyed humankind. Then I was born, and he somewhat get nicer. Until Chara fell." Sans sat up straight, feeling that it was the turning point of the story. "Mom and I immediately accepeted Chara among us. Not my father. He tried to kill them numerous time... Until his 'success'." Sans was almost scared to ask. "His...'success'?" "I was killed in the process, as I tried to save them. Then everything turned black. Later on, I woke up as Flowey. I learnt what happened after our death: My mother fought Asgore, but no one won, except some scars: My mother went completely crazy, and my father went paranoid. After that my mon found shelter there, my father established the 'Kill or be killed' rule. Since then, the weakest monsters are killed, so the strongest ones would gain LOVE."

Sans was speechless. He thought for a second. "I'm sorry. For what happened to you, to Chara, to everyone. That must have been so hard for you, keeping everything inside and watching your world turned like this. But you know, you're not alone anymore." Sans smiled softly at Flowey. This one cried softly, but smiled anyway. "You''re the first one in a long time, besides Frisk, that was kind to me. Thank you, Sans." "Anytime, Azy." Sans raides to his feet, and began to walk through the tick trees of the forest.

As he walked, he saw a huge branch on the road, but didn't pay too much attention. But as he passed it... CRACK! A loud sound echoed through the woods, coming fron behind Sans. He froze a moment, this scene reminding him of something. He turned slowly towards the branch and gasped: It was broken in half. There shouldn't be a problem with it, as he did it many times with the kid. But the thing was, that branch was really big, HE could have never broke it. Meaning tha the one who did that was much stronger. Yet Sans smiled. 'It's okay, I know who did that.' "We...We should hurry right now..." "Relax Flowey, I know who did it. He won't hurt us!" Flowey looked at Sans worried. "You said that about Toriel..." "I know, but I know that HE won't harm us. Heh, you could say that I know him better than anyone else!" Flowey didn't look so sure, but didn't say anything else as they kept walking, until they reached for a strange gate. As Sans was examining it, loud footsteps echoed just behind them. And then a deep voice talked to them.

"Well, well. Would ya look at that. Ya lost or sumething? Come on, turn around and shake ma hand." Sans turned, smiling and reached for the skeletal hand. 'Heh, I bet it's the old whoopee cussion in the hand trick.' He wished he was right. The moment he took the hand, electricity ran through his whole body. Sans couldn't even scream. "Pfft, too easy. Ya shouldn't be so trusting of people. Oh well, it means more exp for me, so I'm not complaining. See ya in Hell." Was the last thing he heard as his sould shattered.



He was in front of the door of the Ruins. He stood there for a moment, before walking fast towards the gate. "Whoa whoa! Calm down!" "He didn't recognize me, there's no other explanation. Otherwise he would have never done that!" He was in front of the gate once again. The figure approached and talked to him, once again. He turned towards the monster, not shaking his hand yet. He wanted to make sure the other saw him. And it gave him time to look at the other as well. He looked like him, but taller and thicker. There was a thin scar above his left eyesocket, and he had a golden tooth. He was wearing a red turtleneck, a long black scarf with red stripes, a black coat with a fluffy hoodie and basketball short with golden stripes on it's sides. He also had a long pendant, looking exactly like the save point. But what surprised Sans the most was the other's eyes: they were red. "Welp, not gonna wait until gyftmas, are ya?" Sans shakily reached for the other's hand, praying that there wasn't any joybuzzer . Again, reality is never what you expect it to be. Electricity, again. Same speech. Same pain. Same death.



Back at the door. This time, Sans didn't lose time and run. He arrived at the gate. The figure approached him again, and extended his hand. "Don't take it and run." Flowey whispered to him, hoping Sans would listen to him this time. And Sans did listen. He turned away and ran towards the gate. But he didn't reach it. Sans didn't have time to scream as bones pierced his body, reaching his soul. "Ya should have listen to me, ya would have had a less painful death." Said the other, disapointment and anger evident in his voice. Sans could easily disaggree with him about painful deaths.



The door. AGAIN. "UGH! That TRASHBAG!! How are we supposed to cross through that gate. Do you havre an- SANS?!" It was too much for him. He didn't give a damn if he was an adult or anything. He fall to his knees and cried. Flowey looked shocked at him, before snapping out of it. He gently patted the sobbing skeleton's cheek. "Shhh, it's okay... I'm here. I know it's hard. You're not alone." "*Hic* I..I'm t-tired of-of thi-is... *Snif* I-I-I want to-o-o go ho-o-ome... I-I can't con-continu-ue like thi-i-is.." "I know, I know. We'll figure something out. But first, you need to calm down." Sans hiccuped a little. "I...I thought that...That I could trust him. Because... Because you know, we're the same... I can't even trust myself." "You aren't the same. Your stories are different. You lived in a rather peaceful world, whereas he grew up here, where dust is filling the air. He didn't have a choice. You had. You two are not the same, never were and never will." "Heh... I guess you're right... *snif*... Thanks." "Don't mention it. Now, what need to find a way out of this mess." "Yeah...You're right." Sans wiped out his tears and began to walk. Flowey was looking at him. "The flowers keep growing." "Yes. At least one each time I die. I wonder why or what does it mean."

The gate, once again. Sans waited. And waited. And waited. But no one came. He turned, surprised. This...was new. "Who the hell are you?!" A voice growled in front of the gate. Sans yelped as he was seized by magic. Red magic. The other him was there, looking furious. "How did you get out of the Ruins?! Did you kill the old vixen? Do you think you're funny, using magic to look like me?!" "Wait! I do-" "D I E " A gaster blaster appeared behind the other Sans, ready to blast his prey. Sans struggled as much as possible, trying to break free. In a last resort, Sans let his panick act for him. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" *sound of a soul shattering*



Back at the door. Sans was frozen; a hand to his mouth. 'Those cues...There were the ones of my dream... But I shouldn't have say this... It was...It was Frisk who was supposed to say it.'

Another chapter done! Tell me what you thought about it and I hope you enjoyed it! As usual, comments are welcomed as well as questions! Have a nice day!

Sometimes kindness is enoughDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora