Final Chapter : Sometimes kindness is enough

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(Alright guys, here we are! This version is not the original, but this is my favourite one. I hope you'll all enjoy it!)


'Should I...give up? ...Heh...Maybe it's the best choice to do... I'm good for nothing, useles, pathetic... I should just...stop....'

Yes . Go to sleep. Close your eyes. Forever...

'That's...the best thing to do....right?'

Go to sleep, now...



'...Then why?'

'Why do I feel like I'm missing something?'

...There's something out there... Calling out for me...


There's someone.

Come on Sansy... Please... Don't leave me alone...Don't do that to me...

Yeah...That's right... He is the one calling me...

Someone really cares about you , Sweetheart...


Don't listen to him... What can you do anyway... You're usel-

You're wrong. I can do something. I can help them. All of them. With Red by my side, I can anything and everything.

You fool... How will you do? What weapons do you have?

Compassion. Patience. Kindeness. These are my weapons. This world... It doesn't have to be kill or be killed anymore.

The darkness around Sans dissipated slowly, The PATIENCE radiating from his Soul making them fade away. He was filled with PATIENCE and KINDNESS. Sans opened his eyes, peacefully. He could do this. He could do something. All he had to do, was to go back to Red. He focused on his lover. He could feel him. His scent, his touch, his voice. He was almost there, Sans could almost see and touch him. The way his Soul would flutter when he sees Red, the sound of his laughter, gruff, rough, yet so endearing. So Strong... He remembered how their first kiss felt like... He recalled the spark in Red's eyelights when the latter mentioned a future alongside him. He was there. Red was there.

It took you long enough...Sweetheart...

Red was panicking. He didn't wake up in the room where Sans saved. In fact, he didn't wake up at all. Sans didn't RESET. He was still crying, just like Flowey who was still perched on his shoulder, though Red's gaze was blank. One second Asgore was choking Sans, lowering his Hp slowly and painfully, then the other second Sans was gone. There was some specks of dust on the ground, but not as much as it should have in case a monster dusted. Was Sans...dead? Was he somwhere? Red didn't know, and that scared Red. Asgore didn't seem to know either, but he didn't give a damn about it. He slowly turned toward Red, His weapon ready to be used. "You're next, Sans." Asgore said, a dark smirk on his face. Red didn't move. He just couldn't. He didn't want either. Where was the point if Sans wasn't there anymore. If he died, he may be reunited with him again, so why not letting Asgore do? 'And what about your brother?' His personal cricket tried to talk some sense into him, but it was no use. Red tears slowly dripped onto the ground, just like Sans blood did. How romantic. As Asgore was about to strike him down , however, he felt something spreading into his Soul, making him blink hazily. It was...Patience...Love... "...Sansy...?"

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