Chapter 15 : What you want isn't always what I want

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Sans was sweating profusely as Red carried him through Hotlands to Alphys' lab. 'So hot...Why do I feel like that? It was the same in Snowdin, after my confrontation with Papyrus...'  "Sans? Is something wrong?" Flowey asked him, tilting his head. "Red, are you feeling hot or something? " " Why?" "I feel so hot... I never felt the warmth of hotlands at this point before...It's like in Snowdin..." Both monsters looked at him, worried. "We should hurry, Red." "Yeah..."  They finally arrived at Alphys' lab, that looked like a mad scientist's lab. They went to the front door, only to find it -weirdly enough- wide open. "Alphys?" "Don't stay there like the idiot you are and get in, I swear..." "No need to bark like this, though a lizard barking is quite funny" "Shut up or I'll make you." "I'd like ta see ya trying." Red quickly got in, and no sooner had he crossed the door the it closed just behind him. "There you are. I was wondering when you would all finally come there." Red turned to see Alphys standing next to the 'shower'. Sans blinked, still feeling dizzy from the warmth he felt just before. From all the monster he met until then, this Alphys was the more different : she looked confident, there was no stuttering and looked confortable with social interractions. Instead of wearing her lab coat closed on her clothes, she let it unbuttoned, showing off a red shirt with black stipes and a black skirt up to the knee. She also had a pair of strange glasses, with spiral on it. All of this, combined with the black gloves up to her elbow , made her looking like a real mad scientist with a made-up creature in her basement. Though he wasn't far from the truth -the amalgamates weren't really made-up-, Sans didn't feel frightened by her. Not too much at least.

"Ya were waiting for us?" "Yes, more specifically..." She locked gazes with Sans with a smirk, "These two ones. A talking and living flower and a monster whose soul is close to a human's one and who has flowers growing on him...Really interesting." "When did you see us?" "When we got out of the Ruins. There was a camera in that giant snowball." They all turned to Sans, surprised. "You knew?" "Of course, my Alphys had hidden one at the same place." She smirked ,triumphant at Sans' words. "You do really come from another Universe. You became even more interesting... I wonder..." Sans shrank back at the look he was given. It wasn't crazy per say, but it made him feel he would be labelled 'FUTURE EXPERIMENT' if she kept looking at him like that. Sensing his growing distress, Red gently put Sans on the floor, giving a look to Flowey that transmited everythin the Flower needed, as it formed some sort of berrier of thorns around Sans, who looked like he was going to pass out soon. Red took some step, his eyes igniting with a deep crimson. "I warn ya, Alphys. Don't ya dare touch him that way or I'll make ya regret. Ya're the closest monster I can call a friend, but I won't hesitate to hurt ya. Do.Ya.Understand.Pal?" Alphys scoffed at the threat, though she tried to soften her gaze. "Quit doing that, you know I won't do that. Moreover, you need my help ,don't you? Not the smartest things to say to the only one who can examine him, don't you think? But if it reassures you, then I won't hurt him for scientific purposes. Happy?" "Yeah."

 She trotted to where Sans was sitting, while Flowey didn't let his thorns go away. "It's okay, Flowey. I know she will keep her word." "How can you be so sure? I know what she did. How she created the amalgamates." Before Alphys could protest, Red knelt in front of both Sans and Flowey. "It was an accident. She just tried ta help them. Too bad the Mr 'I'm-too-powerful-to-use-reason-and-logic' didn't listen ta her and make Alphys use a solution that he knew may not work. Then, ya know the story : monsters melted and they fused tagether. Since then, she keeps searching for a cure, with the help of Undyne." At that, Alphys blushed madly and stuttered, "H-how d-d-do y-you k-k-k-kow???!!!" Red turned back to her, flashing her a smirk, his golden tooth glinting with the artificial light. "Come on, Alph. Ya're making illegal experiment, and ya're still free? The king protects ya because ya're helpful for his plans. But if he knew that ya were trying ta ruin his work, then he wouls arrest ya. If he didn't, then it means he doesn't know, so someone is helping ya. The only way ta stop spreading rumors is to be in the royal guard, and being the captain allows ya ta do many thing like these." Alphys groaned as she buried her head on her hands. "Don't you ever dare repeat that to anyone." "I won't, don't worry." "I'm serious, Red. If it comes to Asgore's ears, then both Undyne and I are dead." "I won't tell, I promise. Ya know I'm not like that." "Fine, I believe you." Flowey retracted his vines, allowing Red to reach for Sans. "Thanks Flowey." Red lifted Sans in his arms, carrying him close to his chest. He turned to Alphys, nodding his head. She opened the door to the 'shower' revealing the elevator. "This way."

Red and Sans were waiting for Alphys to be done with the equipment in the other room. She warned them that only Sans and her would be there. And this, of course, made Sans nervous. "Calm down, Sweetheart. Everything will be okay." "I-I know..." Red smiled sympathetic way, kissing Sans' skull gently. "Even if I'm not here physically, ya know I'll be ther anyway." Sans leaned into the touch, before lifting his face a little to kiss Red properly in return. "Yes, I know. Thank you." Red nuzzled lovingly his lover at the returned affection. "Ya're welcome, love." Even though he was still new to this, he was already intoxicated with these small demonstrations of love. "If you two are done, everything's ready." Alphys stated as she entered the room. Red and Sans exchanged looks, before Sans shakily got up and followed Alphys. Before entering, Sans turned to Red, who gave him an encouraging smile. Sans smiled as well, then entered.

2 hours later, in the lab's entrance.

Red had a hard time processing what Alphys just told him. No, the truth was that he had blocked the information, denied it. "I'm sorry Red, but there's nothing I can do. The vines are a problem, paralyzing Sans slowly, but the biggest problem is the flowers : they are draining the magic in his SOUL. If it keeps this up, there wouldn't be any magic left in his SOUL, leading him to a certain death. If I had more performant machines, then it wouldn't be a problem. And for that, I need time." ' Time that we don't have...' The options weighted down on him : either waiting and help Alphys to build more efficient equipment, either keeping going to the castle. There was no doubt in Red's mind that the safest option for him was the first one, but he knew that Sans would want to do the second option. He wanted Sans to be safe, condemning the whole Underground to remain there more time, Sans wanted to free them, ready to sacrifice his own life for that. And Sans was a determined monster. "So? What are you chosing to do? What do you want to do?"


Hi everyone!! I hope you're having a nice day or morning! Here's another chapter, and if I determined enough, there will be another one later on!! As usual, commnets and questions are welcome! See you later!!

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