Chapter 2 : Life WAS perfect

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A few days later.

Sans was sleeping peacefully in  his bed. Or so one could think... 

Cold. Dark. Shouts.

Tossing and turning, changing positions, Sans would not stop moving.

Pain , over and over again. "Who the hell are you?!"

Sans was now sweating a lot, whimpering lowly .

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"  *Sound of a shattering soul*

Sans shot up with a gasp, as he looked freneticly around his room. He closed his eyes and forced  himself to calm down. 'In and out, In..and out, In...and...out...' He slowly opened his eyes, and took a closer look to his room. It was a bigger room than the one in Snowdin, as well as more organized, at least for Sans' standards. There was still the trash tornado (How it got there was one of the biggest mystery scientists were ever confronted.), some socks laying here and there. Otherwise, it was somewhat clean.The biggest changes were the bed frame and some stairs going up. Sans took a deep breath and raised to his feet. 

He climbed up the stairs and arrived in the attic. It was his favourite place of the house: the attic consisted in a  room quite bare with a huge  window showing off the sky. And tonight, the stars were all there, shining brighter and brighter. Sans smiled softly as he sat on the middle of the floor, just looking at the sky. It always helped him to calm down after a rough night.

This one has been particulary tough for him. He shivered just remembering it. There has not been many details, just vague sensations, but the growing pain has been hard to not notice it.

"Who the hell are you?!" That voice was weird: it was unknown to him, yet familiar. Did he already hear it in the Underground? Hmm... nope. In a cafe? still no... In a dream? No- Actually... Maybe he did, but then he did not remember.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"  That voice... He coul remember it better than the first one. It sounded utterly terrified, desperate... And it sounded like one of the kids. What could it mean?         

In the morning

"Good morning bro." "GOOD MORNING SANS! IT'S ABOUT TIME! I WAS GOING TO GET YOU OUT OF BED! YOU'RE LUCKY MY SPAGETTHIS COULD NOT WAIT! " "Heh, I knew I was Bone lucky." "SAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNS!!!!!!!!" Sans couln't help but chuckle at his brother's antics. "By the way, why were you going to get me? Do we have to go somewhere ?" Papyrus looked at his brother for a second, before heavily sighing and pinching his nasale bone. "BROTHER? YOU ARE SO FORGETFUL. TODAY IS THE 6TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR FREEDOM." "Whoops, looks like I forgot it." "AGAIN, INDEED... JUST LIKE EVERY YEAR..." "Ah, that much?" "COULD YOU STOP TALKING A MINUTE SO WE WILL BE READY TO GO?!" Papyrus asked his brither with an exasperate tone. "Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec, I need to change." "5 MINUTES? NOT MORE!!"

Sans rummaged in his closet and found what he was looking for: his blue hoodie, his basketball shorts and a white tee-shirt. He put them on, then shortcuted next to his brother, who gave him the 'seriously' look. "NOW, OFF WE GO!"

Everyone were here, every single monster from the underground as well as some humans, in front of the cave were monsters emerged 6 years ago. Just like usual, Asgore and Toriel were standing up in front of everyone, with Asriel and Frisk by their side. Just like usually, they would both make a speech about the chance monsterkind had been given, the kindness of human beings, and so on and so on. Don't get him wrong, Sans knew the importance of that event, but WHY did they have to tell THE SAME SPEECH EVERY YEAR?? He was so bored. As he was about to doze off, however, he noticed two different things: Frisk and Asriel suddenly looked anxious and the atmosphere greww more and more...hostile. Sans quickly straighten back as the wind blew stronger and stronger. The thunderous clouds were roiling dangerously above everyone's head. Just as Asgore was about to say something, a great earthquake shook the whole mountain. Sans panicked, searching for his brother, but before he found him, his eyes widden in fear: some sort of crimson portal coming from the sky was trying to draw Frisk  inside. There were no one around who could help them. Sans focused , used blue magic on them and throw them away. He was about to shortcut, but them something made him trip. "BROTHER!!!!" "Look out, Punk!!" "Sa-ans, beh-i-in-d-d  y-ou-ou!!!" Before he could react, Sans felt himself being drawn into the strange portal. And then....Nothing but black and slight pain... He drifted into unconsciousness.

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing alright! Thanks to @Kustard_ShipIt,I found out how to make it more easy to read! Sorry for the inconvenience, I will probably do typo modification to the 1 chapter, now that I am on computer! Any constructive critics are welcome! And I know, Alphys' stuttering was not the best... Sorry again! I hope you liked that chapter, and I wish you a nice day or evening!

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