Chapter 23: The final battle

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WARNING: GREAT DEPICTION OF VIOLENCE THERE. I'm not joking. I'll put a warning when it will be there. If you are sensitive or young , don't read it, and let me know it in the comments.
(...You are going to hate me or Asgore for this...maybe both...)

"...Red? Is...everything okay?" Sans asked quietly, seeing that is lover had stood in front of the massive doors for the past ten minutes now, and he looked like he wouldn't move for at least five other minutes. He noticed that Red was shaking for three minutes as well. "I...I'm scared... Not of Asgore in himself... But of what he want to do to you...Of what will happen to you once we walk inside this room. I...I don't want you to die... *snif* I-I... d-don-n't..." Red was sobbing by now, red tears slowly rolling down his cheekbones. His eyesockets were tightly shut, wanting to block out everything. He thought that maybe, just maybe, if he didn't see anything anymore, then time would stop it's course. Sans would live, everything would be alright. "!!" He opened his eyesockets as he felt a gentle touch on his face. He looked at Sans' arm raised towards him, his hand on Red's face. "It will be okay, Everything...will be...fine."

Red latched on this words, clinging to Sans desperately. "...O *snif* Ok-kay..." He took deep breaths, trying to steady himself. After several minutes, he felt better. He looked down on Sans, and felt nothing but love emanating from Sans. Not the usual LOVE he was used to in this world. This love was something he once saw as a weakness, something that only fools believed in. He never thought he would one day got to experience it himself, and that it was so powerful. Now, he couldn't imagine his life without Sans. He needed trut him. Sans would be fine. As long as Red and Flowey were there to protect and help him, then Sans would be fine. Yes, everything would be alright: They would defeat Asgore, break the barrier, then discover the Surface. They would find a nice little house, live together for the rest of their life, start a family. But for now, he had to end the rule of this tyrant once and for all. After making sure that both Sans and Flowey were ready, Red finally pushed the doors open.

Everything inside the throne room was completely dead: the grass was now dry, withered golden flowers scattered here and there. the room in itself looked like a war happened there. And from what Asriel told him, it wasn't far from it. In this room a history of blood and betrayal ruled there. Flowey shuddered just thinking about this. No. Now was not the time. He had to focus on something else much more important right now. 'Sorry Chara... I promise that this time, I won't fail him. I promise.' Sans blinked his eyes slowly, not quite believing what he was seeing : apart from the grass and the flowers, the walls were covered in scorch marks and scratches. One of the two thrones was broken in half, whereas the other was nowhere to be found, and where it should stand were burnt grass. Did the throne...burnt? This place different. Not only in the appearence, but in it's atmosphere : back in his world, the throne room held a nostalgic and sorrowful atmosphere. Here, there was nothing but hate, madness and anger.There was so much of these negative feelings that  Sans' body lightly shuddered from it's sheer intensity. That was... scary. Depressing  may be a better word? No... There was no words to describe this. As if the whole room was ready to swallow them in misery, fear and abandon. 

Red, noticing the discomfort of his companions, decided to keep going on. He quickly crossed the room, before arriving in some sort of garden, but with nothing in it. Sans' eyes widden a little. "I didn't realize...before...but this room...looks like...the Ruins...where I...arrived..." "Really?" "Hmm hmm." "Now that I think of it, Asgore's house looks like mom's, but...darker, more gloomy and messy." "Isee..." To be honest, Red didn't reallu pay attention to what they were saying. He tried to concentrate, so he would be ready when they would be facing Asgore. They followed the path, until they reached a massive door. Just like the one Sans encontered for the first time when he got out of the bed of golden flowers, just before he met both Flowey and Toriel. Just before it, was another save point. The last one. Sans gently tugged at Red's coat to gathered hid owner's attention, then pointed with his head towards where the save point were. Sans, with Flowey and Red's help, reached for the star.

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