He then heard groaning coming from Astrid's bed. He started to have a "small" panic attack, and wasn't sure on how to handle this. Astrid began to slowly sit up. She looked around the room. And when her and Gojira's eyes met they both froze in place, wondering who was gonna move first, and what the other might do. Gojira then noticed something about her eyes, they were no longer red, instead they were the same shade of orange as his eyes.

Gojira: ...Hey sis?

Astrid was sorta taken back from him calling her sis, and it seemed real as well.

Astrid: Y-yes?

Gojira: 'this might be bad, but I'll ask her anyway!' Who killed you?

Astrid's eyes widen.

Astrid: It… it was the white fang… I remember now… it wasn't a human. I died and Salem brought me back, and altered my memories so I would hate humanity.

Gojira slowly walked over to his sister, he noticed that her once large crystals that used to be on her shoulders we gone, and instead were replaced by two smaller pairs of crystals. He was practically right next to her, and on instinct she hugged her younger brother. He was frozen, he didn't know what to do. He looked down at her as she was crying into his chest. 

Astrid: I-I hurt so many people! I thought humans were… I'm a monster! I-I'm so sorry!! I never wanted to do any of this! I just wanted to come back!

Her eyes we clenched as she hugged him tight. But her grip softened when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. 

Gojira: It wasn't you… so I forgive you sis.

Astrid: T-thank you…

They let go of each other, gojira goes over to his bed and sits across from his sister.

Gojira:  Hey Astrid, I want to ask you a few questions? Now that your back to normal.

Astrid: Yeah. Of course go ahead.

Gojira: When we first met, you attacked my stepsisters. Why?

Astrid sighed.

Astrid: Like I said I hated humans. And I thought they stole you. And I just hated that they got to have you as a brother, all while I was alone at Salem's castle.

Gojira: Alright… next, you know where salem is? As well as who works for her?

Astrid: Yes. I know where she is. And the people who work for her.

Gojira: Mind telling me? 

Astrid: Do you have a map?

Gojira hands her his scroll and open up a map. She then pointed to a spot of the map.

Astrid: It's here. I won't be able to take you for now as it seems I've failed my mission. So I guess they have Cinder's team to go with plan B. 

Gojira: Cinder?

Astrid: You've met her?

Gojira: Yeah. I danced with her during, well, our dance here at Beacon.

Astrid: Makes sense she was always interested in you.

Gojira: she was?

Astrid: She was, she wanted to know more about you. The King of the monsters, she would ask me questions about you. I thought at first it was to find any possible weaknesses to use against you, but in reality she grew… a bit obsessed with you.

Remnant's King Vol 1-3 (Godzilla x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now