chapter 33

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Finally done with this shift! Headed home to the love of my life. I couldn't wait yo kiss him touch him and hear him say I love you. The good news of the baby made me feel like nothing could be better. I got in my car and was on my way.

Shannon's P.O.V.

She should be home any second I gotta hurry. Candles lit flowers out, wild purple orchids her favorite . Pink champagne and one more surprise. I play with the small tiffany box. I hope its her size. Hope she says yes. Of course she will say yes why wouldn't she. Hours later......I pace the room maybe she had to stay late or something. I shouldn't worry. Its nothing. She will be home soon. Stop worrying she's a big girl Shannon.

What are those sirens? Hope they are ok. I sit down and blow out the candles and sip on some coffee. Might as well pass some time watch the game on TV. I just need to call her and see what's going on. I pick up the phone and dial her up. No answer. Again.... Answering machine. This isn't her. Why isn't she...... Oh god what if those sirens are for her? Don't over react its ok. Hour passes I keep calling then at last an answer but its not here on the other line. Me" what do you mean? Is she ok? Oh fuck! Im sorry its just oh fuck! ". I drop to my knees and i can't hear another word. Julie had just been into a head on car crash, she went unconscious and was now in the ICU. My marriage purposal would have to wait another day.

I jumped in my car trying to focus through the flood of tears. Hands were shaking my mind was in the darkest places. Fearing the worst. What would I walk into when i i got to her.

Finally, I parked and ran to her room, trying to stay positive. I took a deep breath and then opened her door. It was worst then I thought. More tears dropped to the floor beneath me. I sat down by her bed and reached for her hand, she didn't flinch. And that scared me to the core. I feared I'd lose her, I couldn't bare the thought. No! She wasnt leaving me, not now, not ever. She can't.........

Call it fateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang