chapter 25

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Time healed some of the pain I held onto for someone I barely even knew.  Sue made a mark in my heart and it was for good.  Shannon and the guys were headed for Australia. A place I had only freaked about.  The weather the beautiful sunny personalities that welcomed you with open arms. We landed in the lat afternoon and I could see the beaches and yearned to let my toe dive deep into  the warmth of this magical place.  Shannon grabbed my hand as we stepped out onto the exit and headed to baggage claim.  As we stood there, I couldn't help but think mine hadn't made the round about in awhile?  Hmmm. Maybe I missed it.  S" you sure you had it checked?  ".  Me" no I just left it in the taxi  on the way to the airport , you know like a tip?".  He hugged me right in his arms and kissed my forehead then smacked my ass.  S" smartass".  We waited a little longer and, it was no use.  It was gone.  I called and reported it missing all I got was " we will keep eye out and call you immediately and make sure you get it back ".  I kept hope.  Later on,  the four of us went out to dinner.  It was a beautiful display of mouthwatering food and delights.  J" so you never been here before? ".   Me" nope!  I work all the time. The only vacation I get is when I can have a day off".   Shannon looked at Jared and said" she's been through a lot ".   Me" I'm fine ".  J" you sure? ".  Me" can we change the subject off of me?".     J" well if you ever need someone I....".    S" she's taken care of just fine ".  I looked at Shannon and was thrown off. Here we go again.  Me" I'm gonna take a walk I will be back ".   S" babe you don't know your way around, yourve never been here ".  Me" I'm not a fuckin child Shannon, stop treating me like I'm a god damn victim all the time! ".   Tomo and Jared looked at Shannon wide eyed.  S" you know what?  Whatever then do what you want ".  I yelled back " I sure will dad! ".   He sat back and Jared and Tomo kept quiet.  I just needed space for a bit. 

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