chapter 30

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This was not how I wanted to see him. His eyes closed, his hands and face badly bruised and both legs in casts. Jared was outside and upset. Tomo cake in and sat beside me.  T" hey kid, you ok? ". I looked at Shannon and caressed his face.  Me" I'm ok, you? ".    His hand started to shake and I knew he was letting his guard down and i felt a tear drop on my hand. I looked over and hugged him tight he was broken up. Shannon was a brother to him . I reached and grabbed a tissue and wipe his tears away.

I needed a breather.  Jared and I took a walk and he informed of me some things I wasn't aware of. J" he was gonna marry you when we got home".  He handed me a coffee and we sat on the balcony on top of the hospital.  The views were beautiful and I'd give anything to have my heart next to me.  He was laid up in bed and I had this horrible guilt, what if I'd just stayed ? What if I didn't get in the taxi ? If he dies I will never get to say I love you to him again.  Never feel his arms wrap around me.  Tears flowed down like a waterfall. I stood up and went back inside.  I had a lot to say to him and needed to do it now.

I caught the elevator down and reached his floor and ran to his room.  He was there!  Oh no!   I didn't wanna face the fact he might have died when I was away. All types of thoughts raced through my mind. I sat in the chair and cried till I ran out of tears.  I loved him so much I never got to say goodbye. 

This pain was unreal. How could this happen. I closed my eyes and wished I had gone with him. I could see us when we first met his smile and his eyes caught my attention and I remember the first time he kissed me. These beautiful visions hurt my heart.  What the?  The room was shaking and everything was rocking .  my eyes shot open and I was staring at Shannon, he was alive ok and on top of me.  S" hey!  You ok?  You were crying in your sleep ".  I looked around the room and I was in a beautiful place and...... Oh my god!  I'm in...... Paris?  What the hell was happening?  Me" what is going on? ".  Shannon smiled and said " you ok?  ".  Me" you were in a hospital and you died? ".   Shannon's eyes went wide and he didn't say anything.  S" babe were in Paris and I'm not dead, I'm alive see poke me ". He laughed and I wasn't in the mood to play.  Me" Shannon I really thought it was real! ".   He grabbed me holding  me close to him and kissed me.  S" I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood, you were upset ".  I held his hand in mine and kissed it. Me" I wanna marry you ". He didn't speak and pulled his hand away from mine and I got scared. Why did he pull away?   Me" in the dream, you wanted to marry me".    He turned my face to his and kissed me lightly.   S" yes, I wanna marry you. I don't know when but I do".  Me" I don't wanna rush you ".  His full luscious lips kissed all over my neck and he said " Julie..... ".   Me" yes Shannon? ".   He got by my ear and whispered " will you marry me? ".   I smiled and he did too.  Me" yes".   I felt cold sensation around my finger.  S" I love you ". As I looked I was speechless. A beautiful white diamond ring!   I touched his face and his glistening hazel eyes looked into mine. Me" I love you too ".

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