chapter 8

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Shannon's P.O.V.

Its 3am and my mouth is dry as hell. I get out or bed and head down for some water. Why is the light on?   He glanced over to the couch and  see she's  awake on her  phone.   She turns to looks at me and smiles . Julie " hey, why am I not at work right now?".    I walk over and lean in and just kiss her on them lips and she backs away.   Me " does my breath stink or something? ".  She looks at me and says" no, I..., just wasn't expecting that? ".   I come over and sit down on the couch next to her and hand her some water.  Me" your co worker said you were free to go I guess to many people were scheduled so........ I didn't think you should drive home and fall asleep so......... ".  She grabs my face and kisses me deeper than I had the first time and smiles.  Julie "thank you ". I run my finger over her cheek as she leans into my hand.  S" for what? ". Her lips kiss my cheek and I hold her closer to me. Those lips of hers, I wanted more of them.  I held her face in my hand and pushed on the couch and kissed her again.  Her soft hands roam all over under my shirt setting my soul in flames. This beauty had me under her spell .  As we stopped she looked at me and I smiled. Me" you were knocked out and snoring ".  She blushes with embarrassment and turns her head away from me. I lean in and kiss her neck and say " I thought you were sexy as you slept, even more now next to me ".   She panicked once again and said " I barley know you I need to go ".  I let her up and she put on her hoodie.  Me" why are you so afraid of me? ".  Me" I'm not, I....... Need to go I have to work in the afternoon". I stop her at the door and say " its 4am,  sleep here I won't touch you, I promise ".   She turns around and I look in her eyes and thats all it takes. Our lips fiend for one anothers, I won't push it, but her lips are my lust right now.

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