chapter 23

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That wasn't what I was hoping to hear.  My heart broke as he said the words I didn't think would cross his lips. S" I told you my job comes first!  I don't have time to raise a child. You should have asked me first ".   Who are you my dad now?   Me" this isn't gonna work then. I want to give her a good life Shannon!  She needs a stable home and a loving family ".  He turned to me and got snippy. S" she's not a cat!  You can't just go to a hospital and pick out a kid from a room and bring her home ".   Me" yea because, hey, maybe I should send her back to her drug dealing parents how about that! ".   S" babe I didn't...... ".   Me" didn't what?  Hmmm? She was abused ! H er face is covered in bruises and cuts. She is scared to have anyone touch her!  I'm fuckin sorry if I have a god damn heart and want her to be loved for once instead being someone punching bag!".   He tried to touch me and I backed away .   S"  don't do that please ". I just couldn't understand why he wasn't  with it. I knew he loved his job and Jared was depending on him. I'd never ask him to quit. The thought never crossed my mind. Me" I'm adopting her weather your with me or not.".    S" I'm with you ".    I looked at him, I had that gut feeling he was just saying that to appease me.    Me" you serious?  I'm not playing ".   He came up to me and smiled kissing my head.  S" I mean it if you wanna do this ,I will have your back,  but please don't hold it against me if I leave on tour and I'm gone a lot".  I hugged around his waist and kissed his heart.  Me" I promise you, I give you my  word.   I just wanna save her. That's all.". He kissed my neck and said " when do we get to welcome her home? ".  I squeezed him tighter and he moaned in my ear.  

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