Bright'Wing sat at the entrance, not noticing the kit who had snuck in earlier. Her ears pricked up as she turned around quickly when she heard something fall. She saw Storm'Kit, she was eating herbs!

  Bright'Wing noticed what the kit was eating. It was Chervile! Bright'Wing picked up the kit in a panic, she had no idea what Chervile can do to a cat if they have too much, the kit was whining in her jaw.

  She placed her on the moss, and cleared away any herbs the kit can get to. First task was to find Cinder'Feather, then Lost'Dream, the kits mother, but she couldn't leave the kit unattended. She decided to take care of the kit.

  She quickly grabbed the Yarrow, a herb for throwing up hurtful poisons. She placed it in front of the kit, in which was squirming in pain. Bright'Wing nudged the Yarrow towards the kit, who took the hint and gulped it up. Bright'Wing helped the kit chew and swallow the Yarrow.

  Bright'Wing heard a distressed mew from outside, "Storm'Kit! Please come back! Where are you?" It was Lost'Dream!

  "Lost'Dream! In here!" Bright'Wing shouted for Lost'Dream, hoping the queen will come in. "Please hurry! Your kit ate something! Please get Cinder'Feather!" She mewed in distress. Bright'Wing could see Lost'Dream from inside of the medicine den.

  She saw the queens eyes fill with horror, but nodded and ran off to get Cinder'Feather. A few moments later, the yarrow kicked in. The kit barfed up the Chervile. Bright'Wing let out a sigh of relief, the kit seemed to be in less pain.

  She heard the two cats rush inside, Lost'Dream was terrified. She saw her kit and laid beside her, grooming her softly. "What did she eat Bright'Wing?" Lost'Dream asked, her voice was shaky.

  "She ate almost all the Chervile. . .I didn't know what would happened so I gave her Yarrow to throw it up." She explained to the kits mother. Bright'Wing checked the kit, Storm'Kit looked drained and tired, but terrified.

  "Cinder'Feather, should I give Storm'Kit Poppy Seeds or Juniper?" She asked, unsure of what to do.

  "Give her Poppy Seeds, then tomorrow in the morning, give her Juniper." Cinder'Feather handed her the poppy seeds, she took the leaf carrying them, and placed a seed in front of the kit.

  "Please eat it Storm'Kit. . ." Lost'Dream mewed softly to her kit, the kit slowly gulped it up and started chewing on it. The kit slowly drifted off into a sleep. . .

                                                                                  Page 2

  Bright'Wing sat outside of the Medicine Den, this morning Storm'Kit was looking way better, and returned to the nursery. She saw the queen with her two kits, Storm'Kit was looking energetic today. She smiled.

  She noticed her leader hopping onto the TallRock. She promptly got up and padded to her favorite spot, saving a spot next to her for Night'Breeze. Night'Breeze padded quickly, grooming Muddy'Kit as they walked.

  Night'Breeze and Muddy'Paw sat next to her. "Is Muddy'Kit becoming an apprentice?" Bright'Wing asked, happy for Muddy'Kit.

  Night'Breeze nodded happily, Muddy'Paw was shaking with excitement as other cats gathered around.

  "Maybe I should give him a herb to calm him down a bit." She joked with Night'Breeze.

  Night'Breeze laughed as well, "He may need it honestly." Night'Breeze smiled as she joked back. Muddy'Kit was too excited and simply only stared up at the TallRock, waiting for Dawn'Star to begin the clan meeting.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now