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"JeongYeon unnie, there is a girl who wants to meet you." RyuJin said to JeongYeon who was about to enter in her class.

"Where is she?" JeongYeon asked giving her bag to Momo.

"Come with me." RyuJin said. JeongYeon went with her.

There passed by the hallway. Sana saw JeongYeon and followed her. JeongYeon went to the girl with RyuJin. JeongYeon recognized the girl and tapped her who was back facing her. The girl turned to her and quickly bowed.

"Come with me." JeongYeon said extending her hand to the girl. The girl hesitated at first then took JeongYeon's hand.

JeongYeon walked toward the principal's office with the girl leaving RyuJin alone. Sana grabbed JeongYeon's other hand from behind. JeongYeon smiled as she guessed who it was by the scent. She grabbed tightly on Sana's hand and Sana faced her.

"You didn't come to drop me to my class." Sana said pouting.

"I was busy." JeongYeon said wrapping her arm around Sana's nape.

"Who is she?" Sana asked pointing the girl.

"Oh, I also don't know her name yet." JeongYeon said giggling.

"I'm Shin Yuna." The girl introduced herself to them.

"You're RyuJin's sister?" Sana asked. The girl shook her head.

"I don't know any RyuJin." Yuna said.

"That girl earlier was RyuJin." JeongYeon said and they finally were in front of principal's office.

"I'm coming in a bit." JeongYeon said removing her hand from Sana. Sana nodded and Yuna and JeongYeon went inside the principal office after knocking.






"So, who was she?" JiHyo asked as JeongYeon took her seat on her chair.


"The girl you went with in principal's office." Sana said.

"Ah, that girl. I helped her in her admission, nothing else." JeongYeon said stretching her arms.

"You're being too favourable for everyone now days." Momo said smirking.

"I was not before?" JeongYeon asked pretending to be shocked. Everyone laughed.

"New chic." Sana said looking at a girl. JeongYeon turned her gaze where Sana was looking.

JeongYeon scoffed looking at the girl. It was the same girl who bumped into her that day making her phone drop on the ground. JeongYeon smirked and cracked her fingers.

"Hey you..." JeongYeon shouted catching everyone's attention. That girl also looked at her.

"Come here." JeongYeon called her out. The girl frowned pointing at herself. JeongYeon nodded.

The girl came toward JeongYeon. JeongYeon stood up from her seat and looked at her friends who were telling her not to do anything. JeongYeon smiled at the girl and cupped her cheeks. The girl removed her hands glaring at her.

"What are you doing?" The asked pushing JeongYeon a bit.

"Wow, that's what I want in a girl." JeongYeon said smirking.

"Excuse me, if it's about your phone last time then I'm sorry. Now, I'm busy." The girl said and turned back to leave.

JeongYeon pulled the girl back by her waist and sniffed on her neck. The girl tried to free herself but JeongYeon didn't let go of her. She caressed her cheek on the girl's cheek pissing her off.

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (2YEON)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz