Chapter VII

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Avon looked back at the dragons she loved so dearly and saw a small head poking out from the bottom of the end stall's door. Ginger looked at Avon with her large yellow eyes and an expression that showed concern. The dragon could somehow tell that Avon wouldn't the coming back, and if she did, most likely with her head on a spike.
"I can't stay, Ginger." Avon said.
Ginger's expression changed. It looked as if she wanted to come with her.
"No." Avon stated. "You can't come with. It's too dangerous."
Ginger slipped through the narrow space with difficulty. She scurried towards Rapid's tail and then across to Avon's feet. 
"You really can't Ging-"
Suddenly, two large guards appeared at the other side of the stable. They began to run towards her. Sir Axton had found her.
Avon could easily escape. She was riding a dragon. They would have to ride their own to catch her. It would take them several minutes harness their own rides without a stable hand. By then, Avon and Rapid would be at least a mile away.
The only thing Avon was worried about was Ginger. The guards would trample her when they tried to get to their dragons. However, Ginger would be in danger if Avon took her with her. She had no time to think about the decision.
Quickly, Avon grabbed Ginger and pulled her to her chest. Avon leaned to the side and grabbed a satchel full of supplies. She stuffed Ginger into it and spurred Rapid on. They flew into the newly risen moon, half terrified and half full of joy and excitement.

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