you're always blind to your own scent

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To my love,
You asked me to tell you what you smell like the other day. While no word can truly give it justice, I can still try. In short, you smell like my favorite stuffed animal, Puppy. I got him when I was about 2, before my parents split, back when I was learning to talk. They said I was being really good, so I could get one toy I wanted. I went straight to him, picked him up and said, "Puppy!" So that's what I got, that's what his name became. He's the only thing I've had all my life, through every move, through every change, it was me and Puppy. Yet somehow, you smell just like him. Now to describe it, to truly give you an idea of your scent. You smell like forgotten dreams, you smell like warm hugs, and old tears. You smell like dancing in the rain, like waiting until it's dark and walking through the forest just to see the stars. You smell like every happy thought, like sweet dreams, like cuddling and like waking up from a nightmare to see that you're safe. You smell like happy cries, and sick days comforted by those who love you. You smell like a racing heart as someone falls in love at first sight. You smell like the neighborhood after a downpour, like freshly cut grass, and new books. You smell like hair grease and old clothes left in a dresser for weeks on end. You smell like the first time wandering to Hot Topic, like pizza Thursday in the cafeteria. You smell like my past, present and future. You smell like every happy memory, every bad memory, and every sad moment. You smell like the childhood innocence I still cling to, like the last shreds of who I once was, who maybe I can be again. You smell like you, and there's nothing that can quite describe it. You smell like you, like a soulmate.

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