No Chicks Allowed

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Imagine: Dean has turned one of the bunker's rooms into a "Dean Cave". You want to go in there, but he's made it clear that no chicks, especially you, are allowed. One day, while everyone is gone, you decide to check it out to see what all the excitement is about. What happens when Dean catches you trespassing in his inner sanctum?

Sam and Dean were trying to maneuver a large box down the stairs without breaking its contents. Dean had recently discovered an empty room in the bunker and decided to turn it into his "man cave."

At first, you were excited, because he looked so happy, and that's all you've ever wanted for him. You've had a secret crush on Dean for as long as you can remember, but there's no way you'd ever tell him. You'd pretty much convinced yourself that chances were pretty high that he only thought of you as his best friend, or worse, his little sister.

This past week, the "cave" was all Dean could talk about, including all the stuff he was going to have in the new room. His vinyls and turntable, a bar, mini-fridge, small cabinet for snacks and of course, the large flat screen for watching movies or playing video games. You got the feeling he wanted it as a secret clubhouse of sorts, one where "no chicks" are allowed.

You kept dropping hints about wanting to hang out in the new room. Each time, though, he used a different reason to dissuade you from the idea. It was too drafty in there, he'd said. Not enough room for a lot of chairs, he'd said. You don't have the same taste in movies or video games, he'd said. Finally you'd both had enough.

"Dean, I don't see why I can't hang out with you once in a while in the new room! There's only so many times I can keep reading the same books, and I'll get bored with nothing to read," you said. "You don't seem to want me down there at all, Dean. Is that what I'm getting?"

"Exactly. There are all these other rooms in the bunker, why don't you take one of them and make it your clubhouse? Just stay out of mine, and everything will be just peachy!" he shouted as he and Sam prepared to take a new flat screen TV down to the "cave."

"Fine! Who wants to see your stupid clubhouse anyway?" you yelled. After a while, you decided to get up and follow the boys to take a look at the room for yourself. They made their way down to the "Dean Cave," as he'd started to call it, with the new TV. You tiptoed after them and, partway down the stairs, you overheard Sam and Dean's conversation.

"Dean, that was kinda harsh. Why can't she come down here and hang out with us sometimes?" Sam asked.

"Aww, Sam, not you too. Look, I just want a place where I can escape to. Somewhere that I don't have to see her everywhere I go!" Dean replied.

And there it was. Confirmation of exactly what Dean thought of you. He didn't seem to have any feelings for you whatsoever, not even friendly. Tears springing to your eyes, you ran back up to your room, closing and locking the door behind you.


Dean fumbled for words as he tried to explain himself to his brother.

"She's everywhere, Sam. I can't get her beautiful face out of my mind. She's so wonderful. Kind, caring, selfless, not to mention a great hunter. Sexy as hell, too. I'm afraid one of these days, I'm going to slip up and do something stupid, like grab her and kiss her. Then, when she doesn't feel the same, I'll have lost my best friend. At least I can come in here, listen to my vinyls, play some Call of Duty, just something to get my mind off of her," he explained.

At that moment, Sam's phone rang, with the caller ID showing Cas' name. He answered it, and from Sam's side of the conversation, it sounded to Dean like they might have a case. Oh well, I can finish decorating when I get back, he thought. "What's Cas got going on?" he asked.

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