The Gentle Giant [Heavy x Reader, Fluff]

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 1332 words.

    There you sat, under a tree with your fingers twiddling in your lap. You fidgeted a bit, seemingly waiting for something.. or someone. You thought to herself as you looked at the grassy and isolated area around you, then to the basket of freshly made pelmeni you had cooked up exclusively for Heavy and yourself. You were definitely waiting for someone... and it was your long time crush. The Heavy Weapons Guy. The biggest dude you knew, second to Saxton Hale. You hadn't realized that your face had grown a light shade of pink, just barely running across your cheeks as you thought of him. Your pupils dilated, and you curled up just a bit before hearing big, hefty footsteps coming closer. You blinked in realization and perked up like an eager puppy, looking up. Yup.. he came.. and now you were smiling adorably, bouncing a bit.

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)." Heavy spoke, his voice deep, rumbly, and comforting.

"H-Hi! I'm glad you came by!" you giggled and smiled, standing up to give him a greeting hug. Heavy was a good friend of yours, so he trusted you with hugs. He wrapped his arms around your, compared to him, small body in return with a small smile on his face. 

"Of course I would come by. I would never leave friend like you hanging." Heavy spoke again, and you felt the slight vibration of his chest against your face. This is when you realized you were. still hugging him. You pulled away to not make things awkward, smiling gently.

"Th-Thanks.." you smile. "Oh! I-I.. uhm.. I made these for you! I've been practicing.. I hope you like them!" you looked over to the basket and picked it up, gently handing to the burly man.

"What is this?" Heavy asks, looking at the basket, then to you.

"Open it to find out!" you say, gently poking the basket. You watched as he brought one hand to the top, slowly opening the basket. His eyes widened as he looked at the contents, taking in a good whiff of the delicious smell coming from it. 

"You made.. pelmeni?" he asks, very pleasantly surprised.

"Y-Yeah.. I wanted to share some with you because.. well, I also wanted to discuss something. But after the food!" you say, taking a seat back in the area you were sitting in before. You pat the area next to you and motion him to take a seat. Heavy gently sets the basket down and sits next to you, a smile still on his cheeks. The both of you reach in to take a piece of the pelmeni out, and Heavy takes his first bite before you. You look up at him and wait for his reaction before biting your own, getting ready for any criticism on your cooking. But instead.. his eyes glimmer, beginning to chew faster. He likes it! In fact.. he loves it! He eats the rest of his piece in one hefty chomp, then takes another one and sighs through his nose.

"S-So, do you like it?" you ask feebly, biting your own.

"Of course! Is like babushka used to make..!" he laughs heartily, and for a moment you can feel your heart skip a beat. You laugh with him, finishing your own before taking another. 

The two of you continued eating, chatting a bit about Heavy's family because the food you made inspired it. You broke very briefly about Soldier's relationship with Zhanna.. he isn't too happy about that. So you decide to change the topic and continue talking about his other sisters. Turns out he gets scared of them sometimes for.. certain reasons. 

After a good while of chatting, laughing, cringing, all the above, you two finish up the food and sigh with full stomachs. Heavy decides to speak first.

"So.. what did you want to tell Heavy about?" he says, tilting his head to look at you in the eyes. Your face goes pink, but you quickly cover it up with an awkward cough.

"R-Right, yeah.. I wanted to tell you something." you speak softly, going back too gently twiddling your thumbs.

"Well, what would you like to tell me? Does Heavy have to kill someone?" he says, cocking an eyebrow.

"N-No! No, you don't.. need to kill anyone, Heavy.." you giggle softly, but shake it off. "I-I.. I'm just gonna come straight with you, Heavy. I've.. liked you for a while now. A lot more than just friends, really.. Ever since we became friends, I was instantly hooked to you. Not in a weird way, b-but.. in an emotional way, I guess. I.. have feelings for you, Heavy. I.. I love you." you say all of this while staring at your lap, trying your best to hide how flushed you really are. 

For a couple minutes, Heavy stays silent. Throughout this whole time you prepare yourself for him to stop processing and reject you.. ruining your friendship. You bite at your lip meekly, feeling him shift slightly.

"Little (Y/N)... you really feel this way for Heavy?" he asks, his face going pink.

"M-Mhmm.. I-I'm.. sorry if I made you uncomfortable.. I.." you blubber, tone a bit of embarrassed and a bit of sad.

"(Y/N)." he says, making you blush a little more.


Heavy, without warning, gently turns your head to face him. He hunches over a bit and shuts his eyes, leaning in. You instinctively lean in as well, and your lips collide in a gentle, loving kiss. You let out a tiny squeak as he kissed you, lips surprisingly soft.. almost like silk. You eventually shut your own eyes and kissing back just as slow, cupping his cheek with your hand. He smiles slightly into the kiss before pulling away hesitantly. You panted softly, reaching up and wrapping your arms around the big man's neck. Heavy smiles and rests his face in your neck, holding you close to him.

"I.. love you too, (Y/N)." he says softly, voice barely above a whisper. You can't help but smile uncontrollably, letting out a small giggle. You had never expected this to go so well, never in your right mind. But it did.. and you were extremely happy about it. 

You two spent a little more time cuddling under the tree, until you noticed something to your side. You looked over and saw a pretty orange flower in the grass, accompanied by a bunch of the same flower. You gently untangled yourself away from him, politely asking him to wait for a bit, and he did. You walked over to the flowers and picked a taller one out, coming back to Heavy. You smile at him with the flower in your hand, reaching over and gently tucking it behind his ear. 

"How does Heavy look?" he asks, smiling at you.

"You look amazing.. but I could say that to you even without the flower." 

Heavy blushes a bit more at the compliment, an even bigger smile forming. The two of you talk for a bit longer before deciding it was time to go back to base. Heavy talked with your hand in his.. it's so small. He squeezes it very gently, trying not to hurt your hand. Eventually you two make it to base and part ways, but not without a sweet little peck.

"I will see you tomorrow, my little teddy bear." he hums, nuzzling you gently before heading in with you. He parts ways with you, heading to his room as you head to yours for the night, thinking nothing but happy thoughts.

~Extended Ending~

Sniper and Scout watched as you two parted your ways, noting the flower behind Heavy's ear and the unusually happy aura he was giving off.

"Looks like I won. Pay up, Scunt." Sniper chuckled, reaching over to Scout and wiggling his fingers.

"Yeah yeah, they're in love 'n' shit.. whatever." Scout scoffs, angered slightly that he had lost the bet and plops a 10 dollar bill into Sniper's hand.

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