Fell For It - ASTRO JinJin (Part 1)

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"My," was all Ms. Kim could say at first.

"So there's really no excuse," Ten said.

Ms. Kim sighed. "I did say you could pick the prop, didn't I." We all nodded. She set down her yellow notepad and stared us down. "Okay, I'd like to see a final vote. Everyone in favor of our final scene prop being a bed?"

I threw up my hand, grinning as I took in the sea of waving hands around me.

"All right," Ms. Kim said. "A bed it is, but everything has to stay well within PG-13 limits!"

I looked over at Jinwoo, laughing, and suddenly sobered up at the realization... I'd just totally screwed myself over. I might think of him as my friend, but in no way were we good enough friends for an acting scene involving a bed to be just passed over like nothing.

And we didn't even really get to decide the basic premise! Another pair in the class would be assigned to write our first six lines of dialogue.

If we were lucky, whatever script they gave us wouldn't be stupid or based around sex. I'd probably quit the class if that happened, flee the country or something. Maybe murder Eunwoo on my way out for convincing me to do this, who knew.

"All right, I'll come around and get assignments done so you can get started on the first six lines of dialogue and whatever accompanying action cues you need. Remember, those need to be finished by the end of class so everyone can practice over the weekend!"

Miss Overachiever in the front row raised her hand. "Ms. Kim, are you sure we have to do the performances on Tuesday? Couldn't we have more time to practice?"

Ms. Kim beamed. "I love to challenge you all." Miss Overachiever (I really needed to learn her name) slumped in her seat. "Besides, this exercise is less about meticulous practice and more about being able to find a core story quickly, develop a working relationship with your fellow actors, and improvise as necessary. Please do not spend every waking hour this weekend practicing; that is not the point. Find the organic and let it grow." She picked her yellow writing pad back up and started making the rounds.

"Do you think she'll let us pick who to write the beginning lines for?" I asked Jinwoo.

He shrugged. "If so, who do you want to write for?"

"Eunwoo and Sanha?"

"Maybe." He looked over at them. "We've done so many projects with them this semester though."

"Who do you want to write for then?" I asked.

"I don't know. Someone new, I guess." He gestured toward Ms. Kim. "We probably won't have much to choose from anyway by the time she gets back here."

"I guess sitting in the second-to-last row has its downfalls, huh?"

"I guess." He scribbled his pencil back and forth a few times in the margin of his notebook. "Any ideas for a general premise?"

Looking off into the distance, I hummed. "I'm not sure." I tapped my own pencil against my desk. "But we should definitely be nice to whoever we get and try not to give them anything too embarrassing or dumb."

He bobbed his head up and down. "Like no clichés, yeah."

"Or–" The distinct, high-pitched sound of Sanha's giggle cut through the classroom. When I looked over at him, he and Eunwoo had their heads together, shaking with mirth as they looked down at whatever they'd written.

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