An emotional support beehive

Start bij het begin

"Let's all go back to my house," I said. "Roman, call Remus so we can tell him what happened."

"Okay, yeah," Roman mumbled. "Lets go."


"When's Remus getting here?"  Patton asked.

"Any second now,"  Roman mumbled.  "He's really low right now so he's kinda...upset."

"How bad?"  Evan asked. 

"His temper is just kinda short right now,"  Roman explained.

We had spent a good hour just trying to get the main hallway and the living room cleaned up.  It smelled horribly and it was a mess.  So many broken beer bottles and it was incredibly dirty. 

Just then, the door bell ringed. Both Quinn and I flinched. Roman got up to get the door while Evan and Damien tried t help Quinn. He's still not doing so good after being in the court house.

Roman returned back to the living room with Remus.  He looked tired and dead.  He was even older than usual and dark bags had formed under his eyes. 

He instantly collapsed onto the couch, not seeming to care how dirty and destroyed it was.  He let out a long sigh before looking back up at Roman.

"Why am I here?"  He asked.  "What is so important that you had to show me that was worth waking me up?"

Remy pulled out his phone and showed Remus the picture of Issac and Jackson kissing.  Remus stared at it for a bit before handing Remy back his phone.

"That explains the hickies,"  Remus finally sighed.  "And I don't care.  Issac is gone.  Those two can go fuck themselves for all I care." 

Patton bit his lip, obviously having to refrain from telling Remus to watch his language.  Roman seemed glad that Remus didn't explode. 

"So you're okay?"  Emile asked.

"Far from that,"  Remus laughed.  "But no, I don't care that this happened."

"Do you want to help us fix up my house?" I asked him.

"Why not," He answered with a shrug. "I have literally nothing better to do."

And that lead to hours of working. Quinn and I went shopping for things using credit cards from Roman and Damien. Evan wanted to try and fix the yards but it's still the middle of winter.

He's making extensive plans for what to plant once the ground thawed however.  I don't even know half of what these things were.

"What color should we paint the walls?"  Quinn asked.  We were standing in the paint section of the hardware store. 

"I think we can agree on monochrome colors,"  I laughed.  "But I'm repairing my room purple."

I shifted through all the purples before choosing a nice deep purple.  Dark enough to match my aesthetic but not too dark. 

"Can I paint my room blue?"  Quinn asked.  "Like a pretty dark blue-grey.  I never got to paint my room in my old house.  Well...I didn't even have a bedroom."

I slipped my hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.  Quinn gave me a brief smile that showed he was okay for now. 

"You can paint it rainbow for all I care,"  I laughed. 

"That's too colorful,"  He laughed along with me.  

"I think we should just close off a few rooms,"  I mumbled.  "Not even bother to try and clean them."

"Which rooms will we keep?"  Quinn asked.  "It is your house so you can do whatever you want."

"I say we keep my room and the guest bedroom for you, the upstairs bathroom, the kitchen and living room,"  I answered.  "I don't want to get attached to that hellhole and there's a lot of rooms I don't want to see anymore."

"That's understandable,"  Quinn told me.  I gave his hand another quick squeeze. 

"It'll be okay,"  I whispered.  Quinn squeezed my hand back.

"Hopefully,"  He agreed quietly. 

"Now we just have to figure out how to get all this paint back to the house,"  I laughed while lifting my crutches up a bit. 


"It looks a little better,"  Quinn shrugged, looking at the now clean living room. 

All the furniture was gone and thrown in the trash outside.  The walls had been painted a light grey but they were still drying.

Everyone else had already headed home considering that it was just past midnight.  Quinn and I were sitting on the floor in front of the front window.

We decided to talk more about what we wanted in the house and just hang out a bit before going back to our respective boyfriends.

Quinn was more so sitting on me again.  His ass was on the floor but he was leaning back against my chest.  My arms wrapped around his waist. 

"About that cat you promised me,"  He laughed randomly. 

"Really?"  I asked.  "We haven't even finished fixing the house?" 

"Well, my therapist wants me to get an emotional support animal,"  He admitted shyly. 

"Oh,"  I said, surprised.  "Is that a good thing?"

"I mean, it means admitting I'm so fucking broken that I need help from an animal,"  Quinn mumbled.  "But it might be helpful and nice." 

"So what's that got to do with a cat?"  I asked.

"Well, dogs scare me, they're too loud and rambunctious and I can't handle it,"  He said. 

"I'm pretty sure therapy dogs are trained not to act like that,"  I told him.

"Yeah, but I'm just not a dog person,"  He mumbled with a shrug. 

"Okay, where are we going with this?"  I asked him. 

"I want to get an emotional support cat,"  Quinn explained.  "It doesn't even have to be a trained one...I don't think they train cats.  But I know cats are sensitive to human emotions and maybe if I find the right cat and I get it registered as my emotional support animal."

"That's actually a really good idea,"  I told him with a smile. 

"Thanks,"  He giggled, flushing a bit in embarrassment.  I smiled a bit and rested my forehead against his to hide my blush. 

Quinn's so cute and pretty.  He's so soft and submissive.  It's adorable.  He's adorable.

Wait...oh no...this isn't good.

But Now We're Stressed Out Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu