Sister problems

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Yao scurried along the halls quickly with fright and nervousness plastered on his face as he led Ivan to his dorm. There was a problem, a big problem. One that, both Ivan and Yao didn't expect. "Aiya, I'm sorry to get you involved with this Ivan, but I know no one else that could help me," the Chinese boy commented. It was obvious to Ivan that Yao was trying to keep his voice as calm as he could, even if it wasn't working. The Russian shook his head, "Nyet, it's fine. It's not surprising Natalya is mad."

Yao nodded, showing Ivan to the elevator. The two stepped in and the brunette pressed one of the floor buttons, meanwhile Ivan sighed and leaned his weight against the railing. Violet eyes looked down at the floor, thinking. A confused expression  starting to form on his face, which caught the Attention of the other in the room. "Ivan? You okay-aru?"  He asked. The Russian glanced at Yao, standing up straight again with a nod, "Da, I am. but, I'm a little confused. Doesn't the school have a separate dorm building for the females?" Ivan questioned. Yao thought for a moment, a look of realization appearing on his face. "Your right! they do."

"Exactly. So how did she end up in your room?"

"I'm not sure. A mix up in the system?"

"could be," Ivan hummed. The elevator door opened and the two stepped out, both wondering how Natalya managed to be roomed with Yao. As the two walked, Ivan lost awareness of his surroundings because of how he'd think he'd handle Natalya (if he could manage to get a grip around her), not knowing the a blonde-headed boy, Matthew, walking in the opposite direction, who looked equally as unaware of what was going on around him.

Without notice, the both collided with each other, a quiet grunt coming from the blonde as papers from his hands ruffled around when they dropped dropped. Ivan snapped out of his thoughts after the two touched, shaking his head. "Ah, sorry, I didn't see where I was going," Ivan apologized, looking over at Matthew. A soft stuttering voice spoke, "N-no it's okay. I w-wasn't seeing where I-I was going," before he crouched down to pick up the papers, looking embarrassed. As he did, he saw Ivan kneeling down to help as well. "Aiya, Matthew why are you in a rush?" Yao asked.

"O-oh, I, well I found out who my roommate was and- uh- he had some papers he needed to give to the administration office.. a-and told me to h-hand them over," Matthew explained. The both got up, Ivan giving the papers he collected back to the Canadian. The Chinese boy looked confused, "But, why? Shouldn't he take the papers himself?"

"Da, why not him?" Ivan added. Matthew scratched the back of his neck, a little nervous. "U-Uhh, to be honest.. I w-wouldn't have to take the papers i-if.. he remembered who I was..." His voice quietened towards the end into a soft muttering. His roommate was Bruno (Cuba) and though the two have known each other since they were young, Bruno still got Alfred and Matthew confused, and Bruno never liked Alfred. The two would fight, and frankly, Matthew always became Bruno's target in the end from him mistaking the Canadian twin to be the American.

"I.. I'm roommates with Bruno," "That Cuban guy?" Ivan asked, earning a nod from Matthew. "He doesn't like Alfred very much.. or at all..and I look like Alfred, s-so.." Ivan and Yao looked at each other before Yao placed a hand on Matthew's shoulder. "Then, find a way to make Bruno know it's you, aru"

"I guess.. but I've tried for years!" Matthew complained.

Ivan thought a little bit, "Well it is the start of the year, maybe rooming with him will help? And if not, you can always ask to be moved, da?"

I guess you're right. S-sorry for bothering you both with this."

"Nyet, it's fine," the Russian smiled sweetly, making Matthew give a small nod before leaving the two and heading to the elevator. The two watched Canadian leave before they got back to walking. "How is it that Alfred is American and Matthew is Canadian?" Yao asked out of the blue. Ivan shrugged, "Don't know, the two are weird."

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