...Chapter 13...

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Ladley's POV

"I will fight you." The boy narrowed his eyes behind his round lenses.

My Thursday afternoons usually consist of doing homework and telling Ry to fuck off because he's being distracting, not watching Noah Karters and Bowie Clark argue over a cupcake.

"Wait, so you two are friends?" I stared at the two in disbelief.

"Yeah, duh." Bowie grabbed the cupcake from Noah and took a bite out of it while staring at me, Noah on the other hand looked like he was about to kill Bowie.

"Wait, are you two serious?" My eyes darted between the two of them.

"Yeah, since third grade." Noah stopped glaring at Bowie and turned his gaze to mine, a smile dancing on his face. I think this is the happiest I've ever seen Noah Karters.



It's not that I don't think different social groups can be friends with each other, I'm not that kind of a person. I just thought Noah Karters was that type of person, but between me and Bowie maybe I was very wrong about Noah.

"I'm still in disbelief." I rolled my eyes at the two boys and turned my attention back to the cash register, tallying up the amount.

Darcy trusted me and Noah enough to close up for the night, as soon as she left Bowie walked through the door and immediately launched into a story about how he was ready to drop his passion as a photographer because of some photo he took.

To find out Bowie and Noah were friends was kind of a social shock. I've never seen the two in the same room together, let alone talk to each other. The more I see the two joke and laugh and reassure each other though, the more they remind me of me and Ryker.

"So Ladley, you're friends with Armando right?" I look up and met with Bowie leaning over the other side of the counter.

"Yeah I am, what's it to you?" I smile, I've always had a soft spot for Bowie. He's a hard worker and the best photographer the newspaper could ever ask for. Plus I know he has a huge crush on Ando.

"Oh just curious is all." He suddenly got sheepish and a light pink started to dust his cheeks.

"I know you like him Bowie, and your secret is safe with me," I laughed at the boys shocked expression.

"Wh- wait how'd you know?" Bowie turned and glared at Noah who dropped the broom and put his hands up as if to plead innocence.

"Remember freshman year? You came into the auditorium where Ando and I were working on a set piece, and he smiled at you and I'm pretty sure your jaw dropped. Then you proceeded to walk by our table at lunch every day until the end of sophomore year." I smiled at the way Bowie blushed and tried to hide his face.

"I didn't, um." Bowie scratched the back of his neck and Noah started to laugh.

"Dude I didn't know it was that big of a crush," Noah came over and put a hand on Noah's shoulder.

"Shut up," Bowie grumbled while Noah and I continued to laugh at the blushing boy.

"Well, for your reference, Ando is bi and if you want I can ask him about you." Bowie's eyes lit up with hope.

"Oh my god that's so nice you don't have to-"

"I want to," I cut Bowie off. "Now let's finish closing so I can go home and do that for you." I handed the two boys brooms and I don't think I've seen any teenage boy clean faster.

"Thanks for the ride Noah." I smiled while opening the door of the truck, stopping when Noah grabbed my arm.

"That was really nice of you to offer to Bow," He said, and I could see the genuine appreciation in his eyes.

"Anytime, I can tell you really care about him."

"Yeah, I do. He's like the brother I never had." I saw Noah's love for his best friend in his eyes.

"I'm glad I could help, he's a good guy. See ya around." I hopped out of the truck and heard it rev out of the driveway behind me as I climbed up the porch.

I walked in to see my four best friends crowded in my living room, study materials laid out on the coffee table and floor around them.

"Just the people I need to see." I smirked at the group as I flopped into the bean bag chair.

"Por que?" Ando threw me a soda as my smirk stretched to my eyes.

"You guys won't believe me when I tell y'all this but, Bowie Clark and Noah Karters are friends." I watched as shock settled into my three friends, and a blush crept up the fourth ones cheeks.

"Since when? And how do I not know?" G questioned in disbelief.

"Wait, you talked to Bowie? When? What? Where? About what? Did you-"

"About how he likes you."

"He what?"

Plot twist Ando has had a crush on Bowie since seventh grade.

"Dude! That's so great you've gotta text him!" Ry shook Ando's shoulder, whereas G squeeled and Lay gave him a hug.

"Holy shit he likes me," Ando whispered, still in a state of shock. "Should I text him? Ask him out? What do I do? Do-"

"Just call him and ask him if he wants to go grab coffee on Saturday," Ry offered.

"Good idea." I saw a smile creep onto Ando's face as he turned his phone over in his hand. "Right now?" Ando looked around the room at all of us.

"Maybe wait till tomorrow," G said, "asking him in person might make it more special."

"Yeah you're right, the real question is can I get up the nerve to ask him in person," Ando nervously replied.

"Don't worry, we'll all be there with you," Lay smiled at her childhood best friend, but I saw a flicker of hurt in her supportive smile.

We continued to talk about how Ando should go about asking out Bowie, it was a happy enough topic to distract me from the mystery of Noah and my upcoming birthday, but believe me Lay will be getting an interrogation.

I Punched The Bad Boy, And Damn, Did It Feel GoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz