...Chapter 2...

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Ladley's POV

We were driving down the highway when a sudden question popped into my head.

"Hey, where's Ando?"

"Caught a ride with Ryker, did your twin not tell you?" Layla let out a laugh from the backseat.

"No, he didn't." I was a little nervous. When Ryker and I were thirteen we made a promise, a pact.

Tell each other everything.

I try to follow through on that promise.

"Hey, don't be nervous babe, you know Ando and Ry would rather ride together anyway," G reassured me. "Besides, it's the first day of Junior year, they pry just didn't want to show up with us."

"Now that's ridiculous G, they've hung out with us since fifth grade. They can't get away that easy," I pointed out.

"You know they'll try though." G gave me a smile.

We pulled into a parking spot by one of the many bike racks that surrounded our high schools entrance. We grabbed our designated bags and hopped out of the car.

"Goodbye Grace, we shall ride again in seven hours!"

"Did you have to name your car G?" Layla asked as we walked up to the doors.

"Yes, yes I did." Layla was about to retort when suddenly we were tackled by two figures.

"Armando Dash Ford!"

"Ryker Paul Ciders!"

"Get the hell off us you idiots!"

I'm sure you could pick out who said what.

"Geez ladies, just trying to give you a warm welcome on this fine morning." Ry flashed a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't have to give us a warm welcome, it's already sweltering here in hell." I retorted, brushing dirt off my jeggings.

"Glad Fin woke you up this morning and not me."

"Oh puh-lease, if you people-"

"Guys, we love you we do. But the sibling arguments can be a bit much, can't you just do that weird mind connection thing for stuff like this?" G cut off our bickering.

"Nah, she'd destroy my brain cells."

"Thank god I have that type of control." Ry just gave me a glare as Ando threw an arm around my shoulder.

"Do I get a hello?"

"Hello Ando," I dully replied to my other best friend. He stuck out his tongue at me before throwing a dramatic gesture towards the entrance of our high school.

"Ah, Stratton Guarders High School, home of the undefeated panthers and bitchiest student body to exist." We all burst into laughter, mainly because all of what Ando said was true.

Armando Dash Ford was Layla's best friend in elementary school and quickly became part of our group when Layla did in middle school. He's sweet, and Ryker and him are extremely close. Which is good. He's quiet but welcoming, a lot like Layla, and has a secret love for flowers, but don't tell him I said that. I've been sworn to secrecy. Oh, and did I mention that the boy is slightly obsessed with theater?

"So, what's the plan this year guys?" I asked as we walked through the doors and made our way to the library.

Yes, my friends and I get here an hour or so early so we can chat and catch up, or if someone has some type of emergency.

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