...Chapter 1...

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Ladley's POV

    "Finley Thomas Ciders, get the hell off me!"

    "Well Lads, maybe if you got up on time we wouldn't be having this situation here." I fluttered open my algae-like eyes only to be met with bloodshot crystal blue ones.

    "Maybe if you actually let me get up with my alarm clock we wouldn't be having this situation here," I drawled, lazily rubbing my eyes. He rolled off me while I grabbed my thick-framed black glasses from my nightstand.

    "Whatever, just get that lazy ass out of bed and downstairs. Because I doubt that there will be any food left if you don't get up soon." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

    "Yeah right, I bet you twenty bucks Ryker isn't even up yet."

    "We'll see about that," Finley replied before bouncing out of my room.

     I pushed myself off my comfy mess of blankets and pillows, and let out a long sigh. Before dragging myself over to my closet, or as my twin likes to call it, The Void Of Darkness Where You're Bound To Die.

    I picked through random articles of clothing when I realized I didn't even know what the temperature was. I reached around for my purple cased baby, only to find it on the floor and disconnected from my charger. In other words, it was dead. I shut my eyes as I grasped the device.

    "You have got to be flipping kidding me," I muttered.

    I quick through it on the charger, hoping it would charge a bit before school. Running back over to my closet, I pulled out some random articles of clothing. I shut the door and went to check what I got. A pair of dark-wash jeggings, an oversized blood red sweatshirt that I'm pretty sure belonged to Finley at one point, and a white pair of Blowfish sneakers. I combed a hand through my frizzy honey hair that reached my midback and threw a yellow hairband around my wrist. I went to brush my teeth, that is until I opened the door to a shirtless Ryker. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

    "You gonna put on some clothes Ry?"

    "Oh c'mon Lads, let me live. You can't be nice to me for five seconds, can you?" Ryker asked, propping himself up against the sink.

    "Maybe if I had a reason to be nice, then sure. In the meantime, can you get out?" Ryker stuck out his tongue but passed me to get out of the bathroom.

    "Thank you!" I got a grunt in response.

    I brushed my teeth and spun out of the bathroom, grabbed my phone off the charger, and rushed down to the kitchen, only to be met with my eight siblings.

    Let's get intros out of the way now, shall we?

    First, there's Declan, who's twenty-eight, is the oldest out of all of us and our parental figure. He's sweet and tries hard to keep us all happy but he's human too, so we try to give him space when he needs it. Besides, not every twenty-eight year old has to balance two jobs and eight little siblings. He's protective but we all are a little bit.

    Then we have Waylon who's twenty and definitely the most protective. We all know he only wants the best for us but sometimes he takes it a little too far. He's sweet though and even took up online college classes just so he could help Declan with the house and the rest of us.

    Of course, we also have Finley. Besides Ryker, Finley and I are the closest. He's a big softie and goofball that's had his heart broken too many times. He's extremely good with our little siblings too and is normally the first to go run outside to play with them. He's definitely a kid at heart. He's nineteen, and even though he tried to get Declan and Waylon to let him do college online, the two convinced him to go to the local community college. Which he loves, but he told them he had to get a job to make it fair. Declan and Waylon agreed to that, albeit reluctantly.

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