Chapter 26 - ... Do Us Part

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Ezra, Brackon, and Krista step forward in front of the group. "I think you forgot the objection part," Ezra says, fist balled.

"There wouldn't have been any objections so I didn't think it would be necessary." Malphas replied, shielding me behind one of his shoulders. "I guess I should have known that Kylon Willows wouldn't surrender himself without having another plan."

My eyes drifted to Kylon, his hands bound with Industria vines. Did he surrender himself?

"Now, will you take a seat so we can continue our beautiful wedding or are you planning on being an issue?"

Ezra cracked a smile. "By all means continue. But don't think you'll get off the hook that easily."

For Hades sake, all this talking is wasting time. I hitched my dress up and swung my foot to hit the back of Malphas's knee, making him buckle to the floor. He turned to glare at me, furious.

A war cry comes from a demon as the fighting broke out. Magic was being hurled everywhere and growls erupted from both wolves and demons. Malphas lunged for me but was knocked back by Brackon. He gave me a brief nod then returned to fending off a vengeful greater demon.

Rem ripped through the dress and leash, transforming into his other self as Melinda helped Avernus out of his chains. He and Kylon raced over to me.

"Are you crazy? How does the coven know where we are?" I shot questions at Kylon.

"It was all part of the plan that I will explain later." Avernus ripped the vines off Kylon and I then got passed a knife by Nate.


I need to get the box.

As I took a step towards the door arms encircled me and pulled me to the ground. I was turned onto my back as Rina straddled me, trying to claw at my face.

"Rina this isn't you!" I told her as I gripped her wrist trying to keep them away from my face. "I don't want to hurt you!"

"Good for you, but I don't care about what you want." She hissed.

I use my strength to push her off me, tearing my dress in the progress. I quickly got to my feet, kicking my heels off and ripping the rest of my skirt. Such a shame a beautiful dress like this had to be destroyed.

"Rina, listen to me," I started, almost getting a tail to the face. "This isn't you! Malphas planted a parasite in you to get to us! You'd never actually want to kill me he's just making you feel that." She hissed when I said parasite.

"I am not a parasite!"

She grabbed a vase from behind her and lunged it my way. I dipped to the floor and grabbed one of my heals in time to stop her from scratching my face. I pushed her back, straddling her, restraining her wrist next to her head. She bucked and wiggled and flipped us over once more, snatching her hands out of my grip and getting a handful of my hair. Claws extended from her other hand as she raised it, ready to strike.

"Hey, over here!" Rem called from where Rina once was.

Her attention seemed to shift as she let out a low growl and released her hold on my air. She got up slowly, eyes never moving from Rem as they started stalking each other with me in the middle, still on my back. The air was thick with heat and it smelt of ash and musk. Rem made a quick move to the right into the crowd, with Rina pouncing after him.

Windows smashed and the room began to fill up with crows, claws out swooping and slicing.

I got up and backed myself against a wall, trying to get out of the way of any harm. Rem continued dashing around the room distracting Rina and Kylon was fighting off as many demons as possible with his magic. Brackon and Malphas were still throwing punches and magic at each other, not making it clear who's winning. Brackons' wife, Eleanor Brackon, was using her magic to fling demons around like they were nothing.

Creatures Of WitcheryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora