Chapter 4 - The Fire Burns

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"Unlo poras." Kylon whispered to the locked library door. The church and coven house was supposed to be empty as everyone was preparing for the full moon tomorrow night.

When a full moon happens, all the witches and warlocks spread out in groups around the Forrest and chant a spell, giving power to the earth and ridding it of negative energy.

The door clicked open enough to let us slip in. "Do you know what you're looking for?" I asked, following Kylon at a reasonable pace to a section of the bookshelves.

"A benefit of being the apprentice to the High Priest allows me to know where everything is and what everything does." He picked up a red spine book and flipped through the old pages. "I hope you know if we get caught, I could lose my position."

"I didn't ask you for help. If it comes to that, I'll take the fall. This is my fault."

"I'm glad you acknowledge it." He murmured.

Kylon snapped the book shut and held it by his side. I turned to walk, but he caught my arm and stopped me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he placed his finger over his mouth. "Someone's here." He mouthed to me. I slightly poked my head out of the aisle to see there was indeed a warlock standing with a flashlight.

"Anyone is here?" His gruff voice yelled.

Kylon pushed the book into my hand whispering, "Take this and meet me back at the house. I'll get rid of him." He walked out from behind the shelf and waved at the warlock.


"In the flesh." He joked.

"What are you doing breaking into the library, huh?" The warlock pressed.

"Father Brackon asked me to find him a book, but I can't seem to find it." He scratched his head and looked around.

"Do you need help?"

"No!" He answered a little too quickly. "I'm sure if he really needed it he would look for it himself."

"You sure?" The warlock gave him a confused yet suspicious look.

"Yeah," He waved him off. "Let's go, shall we? The full moon doesn't wait for anyone." Kylon placed his hand on the small of the warlocks back and guided him out of the room, locking the door behind them.

Thank Hades I have someone like him to save my ass.

Now, how the hell do I get out?

I could just unlock the door and leave, but what if they're still on the other side? If that warlock just wandered into the library and realized it was unlocked then there could be others roaming the halls. I have to get out the way this all started.

The window.

This is one of the dumbest decisions I've made all night, and that's saying something. Thank Hades I switched the dress for a pair of leggings.

I moved quickly to a window on the far right of the room. I pushed the panel and sighed, relieved when it opened. The moonlight made its way into the room and shined directly at the Hecate statue.

"Maybe one day we will meet," I told myself more than the statue.

I threw the book out the window before quietly hoisting myself up and out. I'm going to have to soak in a bath filled with feverfew by the end of the night.

I hid in the shadows of the trees and tried my best to get home without being found. Unfortunately, the gods truly aren't on my side tonight.

I heard a group talking amongst themselves as they set up candles and bowls. I placed my back up against a tree and peeked around to see who it is. There were a couple of teenagers with a couple of my coven friends.

They're too busy talking that they'd barely notice if I ran.

Is what I thought before I stepped out from behind the tree and heard a cheery voice yell, "Adria!"

I stopped and gave the redhead a tight smile. "Hey, Melinda. How's the set up going?"

"Like it does every month." She shrugged. "Why are you wondering in the Forrest with a book?"

"I like to study in the moonlight."

"You're nineteen and don't go to school anymore." She furrowed her brows and studied me.

"Well, you never know when you need to go back." My smile tightened as silence fell over us.


"Well it was nice seeing you guys, but I have to get this book home so I can read it. See you guys tomorrow night!" I rushed out as I stride away.

That could have gone better.


Kylon and I met back up at the house, gathered the ingredients needed, and went to go find a place to perform the ritual.  We stepped into another small clearing closer to the house than the one I was at earlier tonight.

"Put the firewood in the bowls and place them around the pentagram," Kylon ordered as he flipped through the book and spread spices around.

"Is now a good time to say how much my back hurts."

"Aw, I'm sorry." He pouted. "Maybe you shouldn't have released a demon into the world!"

"I'm never living this down," I mumbled and placed the bowls where they needed to go.


The bowls lit with fire before Kylon added something white — I'm guessing salt — and stood at a point. I started to lean against a tree when he stopped me. "Stand at a point and repeat after me." I put my hands up in surrender and took my spot.

"The fire burns strong, dragging you to the depths where you belong. Combre comlata graci latas. The fire burns strong, dragging you to the depths where you belong. Combre comlata graci latas." We chanted over and over again as I let the familiar feel of energy shifted engulf my soul.

The air felt like it was pulling us to the middle of the pentagram, but we fought against it.

Then everything stopped.

We waited in silence, looking around us for anything that looked like the demon.

But I knew the feeling that began to take over me.

"Kylon-" I started before an explosion of wind knocked us both back. I thankfully missed a tree and landed straight on the floor while Kylon wasn't so lucky. There was silence once again before we heard the screech of the demon. For a second I thought the ritual worked.

Until the ground cracked open and instead of pulling the demon in, it let out a couple dozen more.

They all flew up to the original then started to swoop down. "Shit!" Kylon and I shouted at the same time, getting off the floor ready to race towards the trees when they were all called back. Like a flock of birds, they all flew away to wherever they were going to hide.

"Oh fuck." Kylon gasped. "What are we going to do?"

He started pacing back and forth while my eyes landed on a container filled with a certain white something. "I swear to Hades if that's sugar I'm going to burn this town down."

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