Chapter 13 - The Other Side Of The Mirror

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"Here is a good spot to spend the night," Avernus announced, placing his bag on the floor by his feet. There's were two small logs next to each other, perfect for sleeping, with what looked like plush grass covering the floor.

Rina heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Thank god. I thought we were going to be walking all day and night."

Everyone placed their bags next to each other and lounged around on the logs while Avernus searched for twigs to get a fire started. The sun had fully gone down, allowing the stars to start shining through. I've never really been camping, but sleeping under the moon and stars sounds peaceful.

It reminds me of our senior dance.

I remember Rina and I danced all night and drank the definitely spiked punch. She ended up going home with this guy that had liked her for a long time, while I passed out in Wanda's to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, to only wake up to a police officer in my face.

I say we all won that night.

I pulled one of my two water bottles out of my bag and started chugging half of it, quenching my thirst. "Want some?" I offered to Rem, but he just shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine. I can just drink out of the river over there." He nodded to a place off in the trees.

"How far away is it?"

"A couple of minutes walk. You'd be able to see the fire when it lights up."

"Ok, I'll be back." I stood up and strides through the trees.

Not even two minutes later, I found myself at a slow-moving, crystal clear river. I'm sure we're still in Red River, so it must be true that it's only that one river flowing through is red. That or we have actually left town.

But now I have the opportunity to mirror Kylon.

To mirror, we have to have a bowl — or anything bigger —of water. We must recite the spell and tell it who we are looking for, then our reflections will walk out off the closest mirror, allowing us to communicate. We can only talk for so long until our limbs fall off and shatter like glass. But if all of our limbs shatter, we drown.

I took off my shoes and sat cross-legged, just touching the water. I took a deep breath, held it, and then exhaled, letting my body relax. With my index finger, I started tracing a circle in the water and with my other, I plucked a strand of hair from my head. I placed the strand in the middle of the circle that I kept tracing while reciting the spell.

"Sevono Le Ono. Sevono Le Ono. Sevono Le Ono." I repeated until the water started spinning itself, getting deeper even though it was originally a millimeter deep. "Take me to Kylon Willows."

I submerged my head into the water and was pushed out of a mirror into a dark blue room with a dark wood desk at the back of the room. My foot touched the soft black carpet as I tugged my left leg out of the mirror. The office looked very formal with a statue of Hecate on the left in-between two bookshelves, and two golden wings hanging on the wall behind the desk. The desk had two piles of papers and a stack of books neatly placed on top.

Footsteps came from behind the door quicker than I had a chance to hide.

The dark oak doors opened and in came my cousin, flipping through papers and mumbling to himself. "In Hebrew, it is believed- Holy Shit!" He jumped and gawked at me with wide startled eyes. "Shit Adria, you can't scare a man like that."

"Sorry, but I had to see you. If I'd known you would be in the coven house I would have waited."

"I had to finish up on a few things." He placed the papers on top of one of the piles on the desk and leaned against it with crossed arms. "So, how's it going?"

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