Chapter 18 - Wolves And Demons

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The glass shattered to the ground, wings flapped and screeches rung through my ears as pack members half shifted into their werewolf forms. Sharp fangs and even sharper claws cut through the skin of the attacking demons.

Two golden flaked eyes locked with mine then moved to my right, looking at the box. It jumped forward heading straight in our direction before being tackled by an enraged Beta, who then passed it off to someone else.

"What the fuck is happening?!" Ezra growled as he trying his best to fight off some demons.

"This is what we're trying to stop!" Avernus shouted over the loud noise of bodies being through into walls.

"We can help, just let us go!" I insisted.

"Not a chance!" He replied, swinging his claws.

"They're here for me! I can fend them off!"

Ezra looked conflicted, then snapped the neck off a demon and ran over to us, slicing the ropes off, ripping the vine painfully from my head and busting Rem out of the cage. Avernus nodded to him and picked up the golden dagger that had been dropped, and shoving it into the neck of a demon that was coming for us. He leaped off the stage and started slicing away.

"What can I do? Where can I go?" Rina frantically looked around for a place to hide.

I quickly scanned the room until my eyes landed on a wheelchair that had been pushed to the back. But they mainly fell on the box that was sitting in her lap.

"Get to Krista, I'll be there in a second."

Rina nodded without a moment of doubt and ran her way through the fighting, dodging flying claws and wings.

"Adria..." I turned to Rem who started to twitch. "I feel... Something happening."

"Shit, we don't have time for this!"

"I feel..." Suddenly, his fur retracted into his skin and was replaced with dark green scales. Pointed cat ear stuck out if his head and a long tail with a fin on the end stuck out of his lower back. Lion claws sliced through his little toes and a snake tongue shot out from between his pointed shark teeth, eyes glowing red. He looked nothing like the light-hearted fluff ball he once was. "I feel like I want to kick some ass."

He leaped and sprinted the speed of a cheetah, slashing, biting and mauling anything grey that came near him.

"Well shit."

Squawking came from the broken window as crows dived through, attacking demons.

The Elders must not want us to die. I'm flattered.

I hauled ass in the direction of Rina and Krista. Growls and roars erupted around me as everyone let all their rage out in the demons. Something latched around my ankle and pulled in the opposite direction I was going. I hit the floor hard and tried to find something I could latch onto. My legs started to get pulled upwards as it tried to fly away with me.

"Blasteia!" I hurled a small ball of energy towards the demon, excepting it to let me go. It hit it in the face, leaving it in a moment of shock, but its grip got tighter on my legs. My fingers found a crack in the floorboard to hold onto was my waist started to get pulled up.

A blur of green leaped onto the body of the demon and started shipping its head in different directions. Rem was trying to rip its head off but was only dislocating its jaw. He eventually gave up and slashed its throat multiple times, leaving the demon to howl in pain. It let go of my leg and gripped its torn apart throat, getting black blood onto my dress.

That's going to be a bitch to get out.

I nodded to Rem before he jumped onto another flying demon. I jumped back onto my feet and ran to where I was originally going, jumped out of the way to avoid getting accidentally slashed.

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