"Nah, I know him. I don't know, I take this as a party, not much of a birthday celebration." He tells me.

"Yes, I don't want this to be centered around my birthday!" I exclaim excitedly and she laughs.

"Really? I thought you might be disappointed if I told you that."

"No, I didn't want a party anyways. I'm glad that this isn't all just for me. You didn't get me a cake, did you?" I ask.

"No, I was going to, but I didn't have time." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Good," I sigh in relief and he smiles widely, his cheeks indenting cutely. He leans in to kiss me, and make up for the guy interrupting, but before our lips touch, Lilly comes up to me yet again, hand in hand with Calum..?

"Happy Birthday Annabel, oh my gosh!" She wraps her arms around my neck, and I stumble back slightly. I can see Harry twitch slightly, as a reflex to help me, but once he realizes that it's Lilly, he stops and leans back to his original standing position next to Calum.

"Thanks, Lilly." I laugh.

"My best friend, has been alive for twenty years, despite the-"

"Lilly," I interrupt and her eyes widen as she clears her throat. We stand in a moment of awkward silence before Calum cuts in to say happy birthday. He wraps his arms around me for a short hug, and I thank him for coming.

"Let's go into the kitchen." Harry speaks, and grabs ahold of my hand, after Lilly and Calum move onto something else.

"Happy Birthday, Annabel!" Niall yells, and hands me a red solo cup filled with a liquid.

"Thanks, Niall!" I laugh as he hugs me, and I try my best not to let the drink spill.

"What's this?" I ask Harry after Niall leaves to go flirt with some girls in short dresses.

"Vodka with some flavoring I don't really know." He says, looking into the cup. I take a sip, and smack my
lips, trying to get a better taste.

"Hm." I tilt my head. "Apple, I think." I nod and he laughs. Someone calls Harry's name, and he turns, as the man slaps Harry's shoulder in a friendly way.

"Annabel, can I talk to you?" I turn and see Lilly standing behind me.

"Yeah, I have to talk to you too." I say, and she nods. "I'll be back." I tap Harry and he doesn't notice. Lilly and I head up the stairs, and find a guest bedroom to talk in. I sit on the bed as she closes the door behind her.

"You first," She sighs, and I nod.

"Okay, what is up with you and Calum? Lilly, don't tell me you're the kind of girl that cheats on her boyfriend!"

"Annabel, you don't understand." She sighs.

"Then explain to me. Are you cheating on Tanner? What if he finds out?" I exclaim.

"Annabel, calm down. I'll explain." She says, and I nod, taking a breath.

"Do you remember the night of the dinner party, when I arrived late?" She asks and I nod before she continues. "I told you not to worry about me, remember? Well, that night, Tanner and I got in a fight. We.. He.." Lilly began to cry, and I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

"It's okay, I'm here." I whispered, trying my best to comfort her.

"He hit me that night." She said, and surprised me with the words that I never thought I would hear.

~Harry's POV~

"Yeah, good to see you too man," I say, and we part ways. I turn around, expecting to see Annabel, but she isn't there. A wave of panic hits me but I soon realize that Annabel is too nice to leave her own party. I begin to walk around the house, and say hi to people that call my name, or pat me on the back. I shove through the crowded house and wonder how many people I actually called to come over.

"Harry," I hear a voice call my name and I turn around.

"Wha- Sarah?" I widen my eyes. She flashes the familiar warm smile.

"How are you?" She smiles, and tucks a piece of soft blonde hair behind her ear.

"I'm good, and you?" I say shifting my weight awkwardly.

"Good, everything's good." She says and I nod.

"How did you-"

"Know about the party?" She interrupts and I smile as she laughs. "Travis asked me to come with him."

"What, are you guys a thing now?" I joke, and she moves uncomfortably. "Wait, you guys are-"

"No, not quite." And for a split second I relax. "But I hear you have a girlfriend now." She says and I nod.


"It's her birthday, right?"


"You planned this for her?"

"That's right," I sheepishly say, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Wow, you changed." Sarah lets out a light laugh. "Good for you, Harry. I'm happy for you." She smiles and I thank her, as she hugs me. The feeling is warm and familiar, and I find myself missing it.

"Well, I better go find Travis before he gets too drunk," Sarah laughs and I feel empty when she pulls away from our embrace. I nod and she gives me a little wave before heading in the opposite direction. For a moment I forget what I'm supposed to be doing, but I quickly remember, and head upstairs to see if Annabel is up there.

For a strange reason unknown to me, I feel a pang of guilt for talking to Sarah, but I brush it off. I'm happy with Annabel, I tell myself. I check every open bedroom door, peeking my head through, and I reach the end of the hallway, and place my hand on the doorknob, before I hear two feminine voices.

"Annabel, seriously you can't avoid it forever." A voice, which I make out to be Lilly's speaks.

"I know, I know! I'll tell him when I'm ready, I just don't want to see him hurt." I hear her speak and I can't help but frown.

"You better do it soon before-"

"Lilly I know. Please, just leave it alone. I'm trying to find the right time." I remove my hand from the knob and head to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. My hands support me as I lean against the countertops and I stare into the mirror. My fingers run through my hair and I take a moment to collect myself. Were they talking about me?

As I open the door, and step out of the bathroom, Annabel and Lilly are walking in my direction. I watch as Annabel laughs at something Lilly says. Her head is thrown back, and her eyes squint cutely, her mouth open, as the melodious sound travels to my ears. She's breathtakingly beautiful.

Her eyes lock with mine and they widen for a millisecond.

"Harry, uh what're you doing up here?"

"Using the bathroom, and looking for you." I tell her and she smiles.

"I told you I would be right back."

"I probably didn't hear you." I say, and slip my arm around her waist.

"Well I was with Lilly."

"I see that now," I laugh and her head leans against me. "People are looking for you." I tell her and she looks up at me.

"We better go down there then," She suggests and I nod. I lean down to kiss her lips.

"I'm still here, and I would appreciate if you didn't kiss infront of me." Lilly interrupts and I groan as Annabel laughs. The three of us head down the stairs, Lilly in the front.

"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you later." I whisper and Annabel's cheeks turn pink.

"Harry," She says in a warning tone.

"It's okay, you can moan my name later." I laugh and she groans.

wow, okay, so have you guys seen the boys on Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel? 😍

Also, how did you like the Night Changes video? I loved it!😊❤️

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