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"What happened did your Appa beat your ass of something you seem dull." He joked.

"No it's just that I miss you." She said truly.

"Stop saying cringe worthy things I'm not used to them."

Hanbin laughed at his cute attitude.

"Thanks Jinyoung for everything, for staying by my side for making me smile and laugh for being my great friend and for being my boyfriend. For trusting me the most, thank you." She spoke up a tear slipped down from the corner of her eye.

"Umm welcome, don't tell me you're going to break up with me. Please don't be the cause to my death." He spoke up words which struck directly in her heart.

"No not at all." She laughed.

"Let's meet up tomorrow evening at t-the alley where we first time met." She spoke up words which she never wanted to say, she is dragging him towards his death.

"Fine I'm down." He said happily.

They both bid good byes to each other and the line was cut off.

Hanbin couldn't sleep the whole night praying the sun to never rise. She opened the weapon cupboard but was not able to pull out anything for the first time in her life she was afraid of the guns, knives and daggers. She in the end pulled out a simple gun which the newbie's use.

Soon grey light started to pour in the room and the dreadful day started. The sun was nowhere to be seen it was hidden behind a thick grey blanket of clouds. Everything seemed dead today as if live was sucked out of it.

On the other side, the weather was so pleasing to Jinyoung. He went for a walk early in morning enjoying the weather he loved this weather so much but he was in conversant of the fact that god blessed him with this weather on the day he was leaving this world.

The whole day she was lying down on her bed she was not able to withstand the fact that today actually she has to end this all. All she wanted to do was to die. The door of her room opened revealing Jaebum.

"Hanbin it's almost 3:30 you haven't eaten something have some food."

"No I don't have an appetite."

"Hanbin be strong."

"Remember what they did to E-eomma." He hesitated a little talking a bit about his eomma.

Hanbin just shook her head and went to change into something comfortable. She came out and the room was empty. She walked towards her bed grabbed the gun in her pale hands, once again tears dropped from her eyes and dropped on her white bed. Her maid's voice from behind the door pulled her out of daze, she placed the gun into the back pocket of her jeans.

She went downstairs and directly outside. She squinted her eyes when her people were already there, even though she never gave then any orders.

One of them came in front of her and told her that her Appa informed them about it all.

'Why Is Appa being so interested in this issue? Something surely is fishy.' She thought to herself and sat in the car and explained them everything even though she was dying inside.

They reached there and hid at their places only Hanbin stood in the middle of the alley. Millions of times the thought of running away crossed her mind but whenever she looked back the image of her enraged father, dead mother and despondent brother displayed in front of her eyes. Her family was pulling her down into the water she was not willing drown in.

Soon after several minutes a black car pulled in front of the alley. Hanbin's heart dropped in her stomach. She was not ready for it yet. 'What do I do now?' she thought to herself. The door of the car opened but she signaled her people not to act now, Jinyoung smiled at her really warmly her and hugged her, Hanbin wrapped her hands around his waist and hugged him even tighter and for the last time.


"ARRRGGHHHHH!" I groaned in frustration as I was not able to decide him or her.

'What should I do?'

I'll just do what I have decided no matter what the consequences are.

I ran down stairs and sat in my car and speedily drove towards the place.


I looked at him for good 10 minutes until he broke into his adorable laughter.

I sucked in a deep breath and collected myself togther even though internally I was breaking apart. I looked up and the soft look in my eyes changed into a cold, icy gaze.

"NOW!" I shouted, Jinyoung seemed confused by my sudden outburst but when suddenly 10-15 men attacked him suddenly he was not confused he was not able to process anything. He was getting beaten up but by just looking at him, but for me it was three times more painful. He managed to push aside a few of them but he was alone, powerless and helpless.

His face was full of cuts and bruises his lip was bleeding his white shirt was now full of red spots. I flinched when one of my men kneed him in his stomach when blood sprayed out of his mouth and this time he sat down on the floor on his knees. My men got aside encircling him. I harshly pushed aside on of then and stepped in the scene. First he was not able to look up as his body was badly exhausted but when he looked up and our eyes locked, his eyes were still soft and pure as always but now I was able to see another new emotion in then those chestnut eyes contained the element of sadness in them. My heart was slowly ripping apart yet I succeeded in holding a cruel, cold and wicked expression on my face.

"Awe, my baby is shocked? But sadly you trusted me too much so I had to avail the golden chance." I said my voice as cold as the snowy wind my each word piercing in both of our hearts.

"It's not you Hanbin..." he managed to say weakly, I wanted to say a loud yes but I couldn't.

I laughed loudly even though it was clearly fake and spoke up again,

"I told you didn't I? I am a killer. You should have believed your dear friend Jackson. Tch Tch, you screwed him up because of me." I snapped more harshly. He lost balance and collapsed to the ground but was still conscious.

"Now please say goodbye to this cruel world and rest in peace in the heavens." I pulled out the gun with my insecure hands and pointed at him. I ordered all my people to stand on one side so if he would try to run he could easily do that.

'Please run away!' I pleaded internally. He looked deeply hurt and damaged but I couldn't do anything. I wish I was on his place at least I deserve to die, 'he does not'.

"You know in our worlds words like love and loyalty don't exist." I rubbed the gun under my chin and spoke up, my eyes glossed up with tears but before anyone could notice them I broke into a sinister laughter.

He was badly injured; he looked deeply broken his eyes were filled with sadistic tears. I want him to go with all the happiness and good memories but look now what am I doing, I'm being his worst memory. Even though I know this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

The thunder roared over my head and the water drenched both of us. I aimed the gun at him the tears finally started to roll down but were not visible to anyone as the rain water covered that up. His eyes looked directly into mine he laughed bitterly and closed his eyes but my facial expression was cold. The thought of running away crossed my mind the last time before my body went numb and I couldn't feel any of my emotions.

The tears stopped rolling, the surroundings felt like everything went silent just the loading of my gun was echoing through all the areas of Tokyo, I held the gun in my hand on the verge of crying again but kept them in at any costs. As I pulled the trigger someone shouted from behind. My head shot back and Jaebum came running here panting hard.

"NO! SHE'S ALIVE! EOMMA IS ALIVE!" The gun dropped from my hands but the person lying in front of me was already shot


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