My Eyes.

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"I'm heading out." Khadijah calls to me.

I look up from my sketchpad and out the window, narrowing my eyes at the rain pouring down. "Are you sure that's safe to do in this weather?" 

"I think you're forgetting this is London, Jo." She laughs.

I shrug and go back to my sketching, bidding her goodbye before she leaves.

I was waiting for Hero to stop by, my thoughts remaining grounded as I tried to distract myself from worrying too much.

I had to learn to fully trust Hero.

I owed him that much after everything.

I knew that he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize losing my trust, and I had to believe in him.

In us.

As I'm about to begin the final details on my piece for my painting class, the power suddenly goes out.

Even through the walls, I could hear people groaning and screaming in frustration.

I jump when lightning strikes, followed by a boom of thunder.

Thankfully, it was still early in the evening so there was some light. But aside from that, I could barely see anything.

I slowly make my way into the kitchen, nearly tripping over the coffee table in the process.

I search through the cabinets, looking for some type of light source.

I find a few scented candles that Khadijah kept in order to keep the apartment smelling somewhat decent.

I grab four, lighting one in the kitchen and taking the other three into my room.

I place one on the nightstand next to my bed, and two on my vanity so I could see my piece.

The second I'm about to sit down, I'm startled again by a tap on my window.

I look over, squinting my eyes trying to make out who it was through the rain.

When the tapping grows louder, I know immediately it's Hero growing impatient.

I lift myself from my desk and make my way towards the window, but I'm instantly taken aback by his appearance when I get a good look at it.

My mouth hangs open as tears begin to fall from my face.

I pull the window open, my body erupting into shakes as I lift my hand to my mouth. "Hero!"

"Hey." He forces a smile.

"What happened?" I sob, pulling him inside by his jacket.

He was soaking wet from head to toe, blood oozing from his nose. I notice a mark on his cheek, swollen and discolored.

Was it a burn?

It looked too small to have come from anything serious, but I knew it was no accident.

"I'm fine." Hero shakes his head, but the act makes him stumble back slightly.

I tighten my grip on him, my own clothing becoming wet in the process.

"What happened, Hero?" I ask again, my voice shaking.

Hero looks at me, his eyes glossing over. "Seb-"

He didn't even have the chance to finish before he bursts into tears.

I hold him against me as he silently cried, anger and frustration radiating off his body.

BoundariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora