Dream Boy.

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I wake up before my alarm thankfully, not wanting to startle Hero. He looked so peaceful, and so much younger while he slept.

He had his arms wrapped protectively around me while I lay on top of him, our legs tangled in each other.

It had been a long time since I had been this close to a person in such a calm state, remembering how things used to be with Luke and I before we couldn't even stand to be in the same room as one another.

But things were different now.

I liked being this close to Hero, given that's what I've wanted since the beginning.

But I never expected things to get to where they are now.

I think about what he said to me last night, about how everything happens for a reason.

I know I shouldn't take what's happened between us for granted, especially since he's finally coming around and we're learning to trust each other.

I just hope he continues to trust me and doesn't continue to run.

I don't want him to feel like he needs to run away.

I want him to feel safe with me.

However safe he can feel.

I know it's going to take some time, but I have a feeling we will get there in the end.

Hero's eyes flutter open, the sun shining through the curtains creating a sparkle in his green eyes as he looks down at me.

"Morning." He mumbles, his voice laced with sleep.

I smile at him before leaning up to kiss him, but he moves his head and sits up causing my lips to meet his cheek rather than his lips.

I frown when he moves his body, so I let go of him and he gets out of bed before reaching for his clothes.

Oh no.

"Hero." I sigh, getting out of bed as well.

He looks down at me and I cup his cheek. "Can't I kiss you?"

"Of course you can." He sighs. "I just... don't want you to get the wrong idea about us."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask defensively.

"That's not what I meant..." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Suddenly, my alarm goes off, startling the both of us.

I quickly shut it off before returning my attention to him, crossing my arms over my chest. "What did you mean?"

"I just... don't want you to get the wrong idea about us." He repeats.

I had no idea what the fuck he was trying to say, and frankly I was getting pissed off.

Was he seriously doing this to me right now?


My face was heating up and I felt like I was going to explode, but he reaches out and takes my hands in his. "I'm not used to this kind of stuff, Jo." He gestures back and forth between us. "It's going to take me some time to get used to things like this. Being close to someone... physically."

I can't help but let out a sigh of relief, my body cooling.

I was thankful that Hero was willing to talk to me now rather than storming off, and that was a start. It was a great start.

I wrap my arms around his neck before gently kissing his lips.

When I pull away, he gives me a soft smile. "I really do have to get going though."

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