To Be Human.

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I didn't fully regret my decision to stay up watching movies with Khadijah last night until around nine this morning.

I had forgotten that Phil scheduled for me to open, and I nearly slept through my alarm.

Staying up until three a.m. when you have to be at work at six isn't something I recommend.

But thankfully, working at a coffee shop had its perks and I had already downed about ten espresso shots within the last three hours.

Although, I don't think they were working as well as I had hoped.

I only now just realized I was wearing my tank top backwards.

I glance around the seemingly empty shop before turning away from the front. I quickly pull my arms from the sleeves and under my button up cardigan, then slide the straps of my top off of my shoulders before turning the tag to the back, pulling the straps up once more.

I nearly have a heart attack when I turn around though, not realizing someone had been in line.

For a moment, I try to decipher if whether or not I've seen this man before.

He looks young in the face, his light brown hair cut short, a pierced ear, and dark brown eyes that stared deep into my soul.

His plump lips turn up into a smile as he removes his black jacket before taking a seat at the bar.

I swallow hard. From the way this man was looking at me, I had a feeling he knew me.

But I had no idea who he was.

Until he lifts his right arm and runs his hand through his hair. I could just barely make out what looked like a tattoo of a star on his bicep, and my suspicions were confirmed.

"C-Can I help you?" I attempt to ask as nicely as possible.

"As a matter of fact, you can... Jo." He smirks, eyeing my nametag.

"What can I get for you?" I ask, moving in front of the register.

"Some space would be nice."

I look up at the man, my brows furrowing. "Excuse me?"

He leans forward, resting his elbows on the counter and folding his hands. "Let me make something very clear to you. Hero does not need any more distractions. He's getting himself into some deep shit because of you."

I remember what Hero said to me last night, about how he didn't want me acknowledging him in conversation. But I knew that was a far stretch, given this man's intent to talk to me at work today.

How the hell did he even find me?

Are they all watching me now?

"Hero? Hmm, don't know a Hero."

"Don't play dumb with me." The man barks, startling a few of the customers.

I give them apologetic looks before returning my attention to him. "If you want to come in here and cause a scene, fine. But I will not hesitate to call the cops."

"I don't think that's such a good idea, given that you'd put Hero in more danger than he's already in."

My heart sinks.

Hero's in danger?

Well, obviously.

He's always putting himself in danger.

He's in a fucking gang for art's sake.

But from the way this guy said it, I knew there was something going on I didn't know about.

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