If Walls Could Talk.

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The more I hung out with Jo, the easier it was to get my mind off of things. I've been trying to pick up some extra slack given I got off easy the last time, but every time I go into that complex, I get this sickening feeling knowing Jo lives there. I'm just glad she hasn't caught me in action.

Not that she doesn't have some idea of what my life entails, but I don't need her to be a witness to it.

She's already in enough danger by spending all this time with me, which is ironic since the whole point of spending this much time with her was to keep her out of it.

I think that's a big reason why I won't let her ask any personal questions.

The less she knows, the better.

But there's something about her that makes me want to get to know her just as much as she wants to get to know me.

She's so mysterious in every way humanly possible.

Even the way her lips are shaped intrigues me.

As if they perfectly formed a heart.

I constantly catch myself looking at them, and I have to look away or else she'll think I want to kiss her.

Which I don't.

She still annoys the shit out of me.

Her question of the day was if I considered cereal soup.

What a fucking whack job.

In her defense, which she ever so eloquently elaborated, "there's only so many questions you can ask without getting personal".

We're silent for most of our walk tonight, and I have a feeling it was because neither of us wanted to address the elephant in the room.

Why had I been at the club last week?

Truth is, I can't seem to separate myself from this girl now and its really starting to freak me out. I find myself following her everywhere she goes, keeping myself hidden of course.

Hell, I even slept outside her window one night.

I had this urge, this need, this... obsession. It was if the only purpose I served in life was to protect this girl now.

Who knows, maybe it's because I've seen some crazy shit in my life.

Maybe it's because I couldn't live with myself if I knew something were to happen to her and I didn't do anything to stop it.

Whatever it was, I couldn't get over myself.

Jo finally breaks the silence and asks the golden question. "What were you doing at the club last week?"

"I was in the area." I tell her, which isn't exactly a lie.

Soho is about an hour walk from Kensington, so I eventually was in the area.

I had been doing a deal when I heard Jo and her big haired friend coming out of the lobby talking about heading to The Zoo, some trendy new place where all of the rich people in Soho go.

It didn't seem like Jo's thing, but I have to admit she fit the image of a night out on the town.

I've been so tempted to ask her why she dresses so conservatively, not that I care though.

I wouldn't want any of these creeps around here looking at her.

Thankfully, she isn't really one to draw attention to herself.

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