The Final Countdown

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Well. Here you are! It's May, the last full month of school. It's also the busiest month than the others. Clubs are hosting their final events of the year. Classes are finally narrowing down. Spring sports have all the fans' attention. All of the seniors are busy with graduation and college stuff.

You have your Chemistry exam in a few days. It's the only one that you have to take because your other classes don't have exams in them or you've met other class requirements. You're really nervous because some stuff was a little too hard and you might've have forgotten some of the little things that change the entire answer.

Being that it is May, Thomas's birthday is around the corner. You're planning on doing the same thing that he did on your birthday; FaceTiming with a cupcake and one candle.

Coincidentally, your prom night is on May 16th. It would be nice if he could be your prom date. You would spend your senior prom with your boyfriend and he'll get to spend his birthday with his girlfriend. But, he texted you the other day, saying that he's back to London.


It's the day of your Chemistry exam. You didn't really sleep well the night before due to nerves. You do feel confident in the material though. You studied everything for about three hours for an entire week. You also stayed after school on some days with your teacher for help sessions. This is a VERY important test. If you get a score of 400 or higher, you pass and you're exempt from the final exam.

You drove to school, then went down the Art hallway to wait for Emily. You were looking through your notes to get some last minute review in. Emily came and you both quizzed each other. The bell rang and you went to the testing room. Only your Chemistry teacher and a few of your classmates were there. You sat down at the seventh computer.

After the announcements, your teacher started the exam. You read through every question carefully and worked thoroughly. After two and a half hours, you finally finished the last exam of high school. You raised your hand and your teacher came to you. You got his permission to submit the test, then waited for the final score to appear on the computer screen.

The 'view score' option came up. Your heart was pounding as you clicked the 'yes' box. Your final score was...478. You passed!


You left the testing room and went to your English class. Luckily, you didn't miss much and were able to catch up. You texted your family and the cast members about your Chemistry exam score. They were all so proud of you. You're now exempt from all of your final exams. When you got out of school, you stopped by the ice cream store to get a milkshake to celebrate. You also didn't have any homework, so you can have a relaxing night.

You drove up to the mailbox. You looked through it all and found an envelope that was addressed to you. At the top, left corner, it had the address of the community college you applied to. Your eyes widened! It could be the acceptance letter or the rejection letter.

You texted your parents about the letter and they said to wait until they got home. After what seemed like forever, your parents came home. You opened the letter and read it. YOU GOT IN!!!

School is almost done, you passed your Chemistry exam, and you got accepted into college.

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