Lost Track of Time

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After the picture, the seniors went back inside to go to their second class. You had Teacher's Assistant, which is easy because you're with the Special Education kids. They're starting on how to read recipes, measurement abbreviations, and list ingredients. It may sound easy to others, but it's not easy to them. One of the kids asked you for help and you went over to them. After they were done, their teacher let them have ten minutes of free time.

Soon enough, the bell rang and you had to go to Algebra II. Most of the kids in the class looked stressed because the other grades had to take the PSAT, while the seniors were at their class meeting. You remembered that, it was torture. Because of their exhaustion, your teacher assured them that it was going to be an easy class. On top of all that, lunch was in a few minutes.

When the first lunch bell rang, you grabbed your lunch box and went out onto the senior patio. You found Kendra at a table and sat next to her. She started a conversation about the senior meeting. After Gwen came to the table with her lunch, you told them that Kaya and Ki Hong's wife are pregnant.

"Yay! There's gonna be a baby Minho." Kendra said.

"And a baby Teresa." Gwen added.

"Whoa, whoa. Slow it down, fangirls. They just told me this morning about their pregnancies. They don't know what they're having yet." you said.

Some of your other friends came to the table. You ate lunch with your best friends.

Then, the lunch bell rang again to end lunch. You and Emily walked back to class since you both go in the same direction to get back to your classes. She has Chemistry, which is near your Algebra II class. You both went your separate ways. Everyone in your class got back into the classroom. Today, you're learning about factoring trinomials. You remembered that from Algebra I and AFDA, so it came easy to you.

Soon enough, it was almost time to leave. You have rehearsal today, so you're going to the public library to do some homework before rehearsal starts. The bell rang and the hallways were crowded with kids. You managed to squeeze through to get to the door. You went outside and walked to your car. You drove to the library and took your backpack. You only had to do your math homework, so it shouldn't take you that long to do it.

You finished your math homework and you had about thirty minutes to yourself before you had to leave for rehearsal. You put your headphones in and listened to music.

You lost track of time and realized that it was already 3:35pm. You grabbed your backpack and ran out of the library. You got in your car and started it. You texted Gwen to tell your director that you're coming. The library wasn't that far away from your school, so distance wasn't the issue. You're more worried about how your director is going to react to this because she doesn't like you and you've had problems with her in the past.

This could hurt your position in Game of Tiaras, and in other school productions. This isn't gonna be good.

You parked in the front parking lot. You got out of your car and ran into school. You ran down the hallways to get to the theatre arts classroom. You felt like Minho running away from a Griever. The only difference is that you're running towards the Griever.

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