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You're in Algebra II class. Thanksgiving break starts in about five minutes. Kids were starting to pack up their stuff, but your teacher doesn't like that. Your teacher quickly asked everyone that they're thankful for. You said that you were thankful for the family that you made on the set of the Scorch Trials. Some other kids said that they're thankful for their families, friends, food, technology, etc.

Finally, the bell rang. You went out to your car. You put on your sunglasses and played your favorite playlist. You stopped by McDonald's to get a milkshake, then you drove home.

You were enjoying your milkshake while watching Netflix. You heard your phone vibrating next to you. It was texts from the cast. They all asked if you were excited for Thanksgiving break. Of course you're excited, who wouldn't be?

Wes texted you, saying that they want to FaceTime you for two interviews. The interviews will be about twenty minutes apart. After responding, a number was trying to FaceTime you. You accepted it and waited for the signal to connect. Once it did, you saw Ki Hong, Dexter, and Thomas on the screen. They waved and said hi.

The interviewer had a game of 'Who's Most Likely To' set up for the interview.

"Who's most likely to break out of character and laugh during filming?" the interviewer asked.

"Ki Hong" you and Thomas answered simultaneously.

"Who's most likely to run for president?" the interviewer asked.

"Thomas." Dexter answered.

"I'm not an American." Thomas retorted.

"There's a way. Nationalization." you said.

They all laughed.

"Who's most likely to know your lines when you can't even remember them yourselves?" the interviewer asked.

The boys pointed at the TV. You expected that. You held your hands in mock surrender.

"Hey, I can't help it. When you've been in theatre for the past four years and when you're always casted in the ensembles, you particularly know the leads' lines and blocking after seeing them run it a thousand times." you said.

"When someone is feeling down, who's most likely to be there with a bucket of ice cream to make them feel better?" the interviewer asked.

You, Ki Hong, and Thomas pointed to Dexter. He didn't think it would be him to do that.

"You're the one who that of the ice cream party for y/n over the summer." Ki Hong said.

The realization hit Dexter, then he remembered.

The interview ended. Then, about twenty minutes later, another number from California was trying to FaceTime you. Dylan and Kaya were in this one with you. The interviewer had some internet facts about the cast and you guys had to figure out who they're about. Dylan really didn't know that much, but you and Kaya knew everything.


Once the interviews ended, you can start to enjoy your Thanksgiving break. The cast was texting each other in the group message. Wes asked everyone what they're thankful for.

Dylan: The Mets and all of my loved ones.

Kaya: The child forming in my stomach.

Thomas: My family, friends, my Maze Runner family, and my beautiful girlfriend, y/n.

Ki Hong: The child forming in my wife's stomach.

Dexter: Food and dancing.

Will: The fact that the younger generations are taking a stand for what's right.

Rosa: My crazy family.

Alexander: My acting roles.

Kat: My friend's chocolate pie.

Nathalie: My Game of Thrones family and my Maze Runner family.

Jacob: The adventures in the Scorch.

Wes: You guys.

You: My friends and family, my amazing boyfriend, Thomas, and the Maze Runner series.

Happy Friendsgiving!

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