A Long Week

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Since you got home late from the dance, your parents let you skip church to sleep in. You slept in until about 10:30am. Luckily, you didn't have any homework or studying to do, so you had the whole day to relax and do whatever you want. You sat up in your bed and you turned your phone off of airplane mode.

You got A LOT of notifications from Instagram and texts from the cast. Some of the cast commented on your post about Homecoming and that got reposted by several fan page accounts. You realized that ever since you joined the cast over the summer, you've gotten a lot of attention on the internet.

You texted each of them individually. You told them all about it. You were texting Dexter about how dancing to certain songs reminded you of dancing at that club. Right after you sent that text, Thomas texted you.

Thomas: Hi love. How was the dance? By the looks of it, I'm assuming that you had fun.

You: Oh, it was! It had to be the best Homecoming out of all of the high school years. But, dancing in heels wasn't too pleasant.

Thomas: I bet it wasn't. Less than a week until we all get together for the premiere. I can't wait to see you again. I've missed you so much ❤️

You: I can't wait either. I've missed you and everyone else 😘

Thomas: Hopefully the week will go by fast. I gotta go. My family is practicing for a band performance.

You: Have fun. Tell your family I said hi. Talk to you later. Love you ❤️🎵

Thomas: I will. Bye. Love you too 💖

After that conservation, you got out of bed to get something to eat. You saw your dad in the living room, watching the race. "Where's Mom?" you asked.

"She went to get groceries after church. She should be home soon." he said.

You went ahead and fixed lunch. You made a sandwich and apple slices with peanut butter. You put your food on a tray and went back into your room. You grabbed the remote and watched Netflix.

You heard a car pull into the garage. Your mom is home from getting groceries. She came into the house with loads of bags. You and your dad helped her unload everything and put it all away. For the rest of day, you lounged in your room until it was time to go to bed.


It's Monday. Only four more days until you fly out to California for the premiere. You, Kendra, and Gwen met up as usual. Your phone vibrated in your pocket. You got a text from Wes.

He said: "Here it is. The trailer for the Scorch Trials." There was a video along with the text.

You gasped when you saw that. "What? What is it?" Gwen asked.

"It's from Wes. He sent me the trailer for the movie." you said.

Their faces lit up.

"Come on. Let's go find some place quiet to watch it." Kendra suggested.

The three of you went into the Science hallway. You tapped on the video and turned the volume all the way up. It's happening. The second movie of the Maze Runner series is about to unfold. The three of you were blown away by the trailer. It was really well done.

The rest of the week went by in a slow pace. You had a test or a quiz in one or two of your classes every day. You just have to hold on until Friday.

'Please hurry up!' you thought.

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