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This week is kind of going slow. But, next week is Thanksgiving break and there's two days of school that week. The temperature has dropped to a bitter cold. Every time you walk through the parking lot to get into school, it's freezing. You would rather be back in the Scorch. Emily was sick that day, and Kendra and Gwen's buses were late, as usual.

You decided to just go to your Teacher Prep classroom. Everyday is the same; you try to learn how to become a teacher, but your teacher shuts down every idea that you guys come up with and she gets confused. Just gotta hold on until January, because that's what you and other kids go out to the middle school or the surrounding elementary schools to go be a teacher.

The bell rang and you walked to your first class. When you walked into the classroom, your teacher was the only one there. You asked him to clarify some things in the chapter before more students came.

When you walked back to your desk, you took out your phone and saw that Thomas and Ki Hong texted you some pictures from Korea. It looked ancient and beautiful. Thomas sent you a picture of a cake that's decorated like the Scorch. It had Newt and Minho on the top and it had the character names on the sides. Some of them were crossed out.

"Wish you could've had this cake for your birthday

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"Wish you could've had this cake for your birthday." Thomas texted.

"That is awesome, but your cupcake was enough. My Chemistry class is about to start, so I gotta go. I hope you both are having fun in Korea. Love you ❤️" you responded.

After you sent the text, you felt a tap on your head. You looked up from your phone and saw Alex with a paper scroll in his hands.

"Hey Alex." you said.

"Congratulations, y/n. You have been tapped to be inducted into the International Thespian Society." he said.

A smile came on your face. You took the scroll from him and you two shared a hug. You made a promise to yourself that you wanted to get inducted into ITS before you graduate from high school.

"Thank you. You just made my day." you said.

"You're welcome. Umm...you can...let go now." he said in between breaths.

You let go from the hug.

"Sorry. I just got excited. I've wanted this for so long." you explained.

"That's alright. Well, I gotta go to Precalculus. See ya later." Alex said.

"Thanks again." you said as he walked out of the classroom.

You opened the scroll to read all of the information. Your Chemistry teacher came up to you and gave you a high five. You put the scroll in your backpack and took out your notebook.


The rest of the day was good. Having the feeling of getting tapped made you feel good throughout the day. You couldn't wait to get home to tell your parents, family, and the cast. You got started on your homework as soon as you got home from school.

While you were studying for your Chemistry test, your phone vibrated. You saw that Ki Hong sent you a video.

"Here's a video of the stuff we've done in Korea. We miss you, tiger 🐯. Small warning: Thomas looks annoyed." he said.

You liked the video, especially when Thomas looks annoyed every time Ki Hong recorded him in the video. You decided to call them and tell them about getting tapped to be in ITS. They didn't understand until you explained it.

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