I'm Done

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It felt good to talk to Thomas, Ki Hong, and Dexter about what happened. Luckily, they just finished an interview when you called, so you didn't interrupt them. Speaking of interview, Wes scheduled you to FaceTime at an interview tomorrow after school.


The next day, you were walking down the hallway to find Kendra, Gwen, or Emily. Your theatre arts teacher found you in the hallway. She called your name, lowered her eyes, and gestured you to come to her.

'What now?' you thought.

She took you into the theatre arts classroom. You were anticipating the moment of impact. She gave you her disappointed face.

'Here it comes.' you thought.

"I'm sorry." she apologized.

You were shocked because you were expecting something like another thing to accuse you of or yell at you.

"Okay. I don't understand." you said.

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain your side of the story. I'm sorry for yelling. And, I'm sorry for cutting you." she apologized.

You took a moment to take in her apology and decided to be the better person.

"Well, I appreciate that. What made you come to your senses?" you asked.

Your director took a deep breath.

"The other cast members stood up for you and they're right. It's too late in the game to cut one of the main characters." she said.

You were surprised that she admitted that she was wrong.

"So, what do you say? Will you come back into Game of Tiaras?" she asked.

You thought for a few seconds.

"No." you simply said.

"Why not? I'm giving you the chance to come back and you're not gonna take it?" she questioned.

"I'm tired of being your punching bag. Why don't you treat some kids differently than others? What did I do to make you hate me?" you said.

You had frustration and brokenness in your voice. You felt relieved because it felt so good to finally get that off your heart. It felt like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

She gave you her disappointment face again.

"Okay." she said, then walked back to her desk.

You walked out of the classroom. When you shut the door, you stuck your tongue out. You walked down the hallways to find Kendra, Gwen, or Emily. You found Emily and told her what happened. She was proud of you for finally standing up to her.

The rest of the day went by pretty slow. The bell rang and you left your English class. You went out to your car and started it. It feels nice that you get go straight home and not have rehearsals. You started on your homework when you got home.

Right as you put everything away, you got a text from Wes.

He said: "The interview starts in five minutes. If a number from California calls you, it's us."

You responded "okay."

You put everything back in your backpack and you sat back at your desk.

You propped your phone up and a number from California was trying to FaceTime you. You hit the accept button and waited for the signal to connect. Then, you saw Dylan, Thomas, Kaya, Will, and an interviewer on the screen. They all said hi and waved to you.

The interview began. There were questions about the journey of making the Scorch Trials. It felt a little weird that they have to talk to you through a TV. When the interview was over, you got a text from Gwen asking why you dropped out of the play. You explained everything that happened that morning.

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