Ch 20: Gold and Black

Start from the beginning

It never changed. I thought I had changed. Then i heard it. Such a beautiful sound. The tune soothing and soft. Like a lullaby mother used to sing to me. I felt calm, but felt the urge to follow. I felt control leaving my body as I walked my feet going without my mind's will to. The shadow chuckled. I couldnt even give it a glare though. I was so mesmerized by the noise. I followed. Maybe if i could get to it...


I hit the ground with a giant thud. I came out of my trance in total shock. My body was far from where it once was and now i was face down in the dirt. What happened. The sound faded from my ears. I felt almost sad to hear it go. The sound of the song was replaced with loud yelling and crying. I didnt even have to turn to look and see who it was. I knew who it was.

"YOU IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST MINDLESSLY WANDERING TOWARDS THE EDGE OF A CLIFF!" Luce yelled at me. What!? I turned my head to look. Just in front of me was a wide gap in the ground. If I had walked any further...

"You could have died!" I felt myself being picked up off the ground. Luce pulled me into a tight hug. I winced a little at the pain, but she didn't let go. "I cant loose you!" She wailed. I felt her tears drip down onto my shirt. Her shaky breath against my neck. She cried and cried.

Luce there's more to it that you'll never know. Her tears began to try. Her innocent eyes now red and puffy met my sad gaze. Her face red from her own tears. I pulled her in for another hug and inhaled her sent. It smells like mother. Yet... better, better then mothers ever did. I felt my conscious slip away from me. Drowning me in nothingness.

Black and Gold.

Then nothing at all.

I awoke. In the field of gold once again. Once again there was only a slight breeze which made the tall golden grasses sway. The sky a beautiful blue and very few white fluffy clouds. There stood mother and Luce. Mother stood calmly. Luce was looking around like everything was so foreign. Was this actually her this time!?

"LUCE!" Her head whipped around and she saw me. Relief flooded over her worried expression. "NATSU!" She yelled back at me. She made struggling motions but she didn't actually move from where she stood. "I can't move!" She yelled. I felt worry creep inside me again. "Hang on!" I planned to go to her, but i couldn't move either, Crap!

"You can move for a reason my boy." I turned my head. Sure enough i knew exactly who's deep voice that was. I really could always identify the tone of burning hatred easily. It was my fathers voice after all. I wasn't stupid.

I felt a growl try to escape my throat. I wont let it though. I have to keep a level head. For not just my life this time. I glanced over my shoulder back at the blond that has stolen my heart. I had her life on my hands now too.

"Where are we Natsu!?" She screamed. I could tell she was frightened. Scared that she was in danger. I knew her too well. Her sweet voice always cracked and shuddered when she was scared. It was natural for a human to act this way. I couldn't blame her for being afraid.

"Luce im sorry" i felt her curious gaze lock on me, but I couldn't look at her. I felt something drip onto my forehead and down my face. I closed my eyes as it kept coming drop after drop till it began to rain. I parted my mouth slightly to let the droplets wash into my mouth if they did. "You shouldn't be here." I looked over at her she let out a small gasp. Seeing that the right side of my body was drenched from the rain that only fell on the side of the burned lands. Where my father and brother stood.

"N-Natsu n0," she bit her lip and her sweet clear tears started to fall. "Yes Luce you see it right. Your thoughts are right." Her tears fell faster at every word i said. I didnt feel right. This wasnt me talking. Not the me now anyways. Ive always felt this presence. The dragon me. The old me that i thought was gone was talking now. I knew. I watched from the side as he talked with my body

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