Chapter 11: Nothing's Ever Simple With You

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Chapter 11: Nothing’s Ever Simple With You

“Are you nuts?” Dean asked her finally. “On second thought don’t answer that.”

“It’s dead isn’t it?” Tyler said looking in the direction Dean’s voice had come from.

“Yes, now let’s get out of here.” Bobby sighed. “Tyler, how are you going to get down? You can’t really walk.”

“I can carry her down.” Sam jumped in.

“Um Sam, don’t you have other stuff to carry?” Tyler asked. She hadn’t moved from her spot or opened her eyes since she had shot the wendigo.

“Dean, can you carry my pack?” Sam asked.

“Alright, but I’m not taking her pack too.” Dean said. Sam grinned at him and threw his backpack to his brother.

“I can take her bag as I do not have one.” Cas said. Tyler looked a little unsure of what was going on but she was hanging onto her backpack at this point.

“I promise he won’t steal it.” Sam sighed seeing her hesitation. She sighed but slipped her gun into the band of her jeans and took off her backpack. She held it out in Cas’ direction and he walked up to her and took it gently. She didn’t let go until she felt he had a firm grip on it.

“While that wasn’t what I worried about as long as he doesn’t go through it we should be okay.” Tyler said standing there rather calmly for someone who was losing her senses. “Sam? You’re talking piggyback ride right?” She asked suddenly.

“Yeah but I’ve picked you up before Ty. You’re not skin and bones.” Sam chuckled walking up to her and letting her put a hand on his arm to make sure she knew where he was. “I’m turning around and crouching down right in front of you okay?” He said.

“Just let me find your shoulders and keep your head bent forward.” Tyler said when Sam turned around and stood back up. “You may also want to keep your arms out. Don’t want to nail one of your arms with a knee.” Tyler explained as she tightened her grip on his shoulders.

“Alright. Jump on three?” Sam asked her preparing himself for the added weight.

“Naturally.” Tyler said. “One, two, three!” She said and Sam felt her hands tighten as she pushed down. Then her knees were gripping his hips hard and she was pressed tight against him. He slipped his arms behind her knees, letting his hands lay on her thighs just so she didn’t slide off, and stood up a bit straighter causing Tyler to lean closer to him and wrap her arms loosely around his neck. More like draped across his collarbone really. She was lighter than Sam thought she would be but he knew it was a long way down.

“You two good?” Dean asked. He’d watched the process. It had been funny that Sam had let her talk him through it but Dean could see where she was coming from. Sam was more likely to get tired if he had to stand up from a crouching position with her on his back.

“For not being able to see I’m pretty good. What about you Sam?” Tyler asked him resting her head on his shoulder.

“We’re still standing. I’m good.” Sam answered.

“Then let’s move.” Bobby said. Sam nodded and started walking. He felt Tyler tense and he gave her thighs a light squeeze just to let her know she was fine. They moved in a single file line. Dean leading with Cas behind him. Tyler and Sam were behind Cas while Bobby brought up the rear.

“The bullets that explode on impact were a good idea Tyler.” Bobby said.

“Thanks Bobby.” Tyler said never taking her head off Sam’s shoulder. Really her head was on her arm but her head was right to Sam’s and it made moose smile. Not that he’d admit that to anyone. “The birds and rodents are back out.” Tyler said a second later.

“Did they leave?” Cas asked her.

“They knew the wendigo was out and made themselves scarce.” Dean said from the front.

“Do wendigos eat animals of the forest?” Cas asked.

“No Castiel. They only eat humans but the animals could sense that it was dangerous so they disappeared.” Tyler sighed.

“They are smart creatures.” Cas nodded. Tyler sighed but stayed silent.

“Here’s what I don’t get. How did the wendigo use that plant to make Tyler hallucinate?” Dean said later. They were still going but they had a ways to go yet.

“Especially since she’s part angel.” Sam finally added in. Tyler shifted on his back but didn’t say anything.

“We may have to research that.” Bobby said a second later. “What ever it is, it’s not good.”

“Is it a danger to angels?” Cas asked.

“We don’t know. It might be the human part of her that’s letting her get affected or it might be the angel half.” Bobby answered.

“But how did it hit her with whatever it did in the first place?” Sam asked. Nobody spoke expecting Tyler to tell them what happened but she was silent. Sam shook her a bit and she tensed up.

“I’m not entirely sure. I thought I felt something like a needle hit me in the back when I was chasing after the wendigo but when I lost it and stopped to pick up it’s trail again I didn’t feel anything. I just assumed I got hit by a plant or something.” Tyler explained. She sounded tired but Sam was fairly certain she hadn’t been sleeping.

“Tyler, I’m going to check your back. Where’d it hit you?” Bobby asked coming up behind Sam and Tyler. Sam stopped and Tyler frowned.

“Lower back a little to the right of my spine.” She answered.

“You remember the exact spot?” Dean asked.

“No, tha-“ She let out a gasp and a growl as Bobby was pulling up her shirt and she was writhing away from him. Sam let out a surprised grunt and took a few stutter steps forward tightening his grip on her legs.

“Sorry Tyler!” Bobby backed away. Her eyes had flown open and she’d almost let go of Sam.

“What the hell was that?” Dean asked coming back the few steps he’d gotten ahead with Cas.

“I’m not sure but I think her jacket and shirt are stuck on something in her back.” Bobby said. “I felt her shirt pulling on something.” Dean patted Sam’s shoulder and Sam nodded staying put. Dean put his hands on her sides. She was already tense but her legs tightened on Sam’s hips. Sam relaxed his grip on her legs hoping she would relax as well.

“Alright Tyler I’m going to try to pull your shirt up again. This time we’re going to pull it away from your back first. Just sit up straight.” Dean said. Tyler did as Dean had said but her hands now gripped Sam’s shoulders. Dean slowly started pulling the shirt away from her skin and then rolling it up in his hands carefully looking for anything. He repeated until he felt something pop out of the cloth. He pulled her shirt up quickly hoping he’d found whatever it was and that it was the only one.

“Is that a needle?” Bobby asked from behind Dean as they both looked at her back. Cas came back and looked at it. It was a thin silver needle embedded in the muscle of her back. A few centimeters were sticking out and it was clearly broken. Dean wasn’t sure how stretching the fabric hadn’t alerted Tyler that there was something there but it didn’t matter now.

“Wendigos don’t use needles.” Dean said looking at Bobby.

“Guys?” Sam asked. Tyler was still sitting up stick straight and it was clear she was in pain. There was blood dribbling down from where the needle was stuck in her back clearly coming from agitating it the wound. The skin around it was red and there was a little bruise forming around the metal.

“Wonder how deep that’s stuck in there.” Bobby said not amused.

“Nothing is ever simple with you. Is it Tyler?” Dean sighed.

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