Hit by a quirk ( Overhaul!)

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|\~ Overhaul ~/|

Y/n POV.

Kai went on a 'business' trip with Hari and Mimic, so I was stuck with an annoying Rappa for company. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy as a brother, but sometimes, well. He can get on my nerves.

"Oh look, y/n. Your hubby is back~" the so called, Rappa, cooed.

"Oh shut up," I mutter. But the excitement and happiness overpowered my anger. So I calmly wait for Kai, refusing the urge to leap up and find him myself. Instead, I decide to toon into the conversation on the other side of the thin wall.

"Really? A child? Damn, now I can beat that Overjerk!" That was clearly Rappa.

"No, you can't just beat up your own boss." That was Hari, I think.

"Oh Cmon! He'll be easier to beat as a useless kid! Let me fight!"


"Ughhhhh, then I'll ask Y/n,"

By the time he turned, I was already at the door. Hair rolled his eyes at the other male.

"So, Y/n, Overjerk was hit by some lame quirk that makes people into babies, but that aside. Can I fight him? He'll be easy to beat. And he is quirkless at the moment, so I'm bound to win. "

"Then what's the point of fighting? Since you already know you're going to win, then why even try?" I question. I was trying to peer over Hari's shoulder to see if Kai was there. And sure enough, he was. So I push past the protesting male and the calmer one to get to him.

He was currently looking around, quiet as a mouse. Then he saw me, an excited squeal escaped his lips as he reached out towards me.

"Aweee," I practically purr. He was so adorable.

"You sure you can handle him, Y/n?" Hari asked.

"I'm sure I'll do just fine. Can I take him into town?"

"What? No, hero's will start asking questions of why he looks like the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, and we can't afford that."

"Why would they question a 'mother and child'? Even if they did, who says I have to answer those questions? I'll put him in some shades, so don't worry. I got this." I smile. Hopefully he'll let me go, I really want to take Kai around town. Just picturing it now seems awesome.

"Fine, but be careful Y/n."

"You can tag along if you're so worried."

"I might just do that," Hari sighed. I turn my head back towards Kai and smile.

"We are gonna hit the town!" I squeal. It's been awhile since I've been shopping, correction, It's been awhile since I've gone to look at things I can't afford. Kai smiled at me.

"Wait, where is his mask?" I question, it wasn't anywhere I could see.

"It's put away. He can wear a medical mask if he wants." Hari answered. Thinking for a moment, I pick Kai up and place him on my hip. Then turned to face Hari.

"At first glance, do we look like mother and son?"

He studied me for a moment. Then Kai placed a hand on my face. I turn my head toward him and smile.

"Yes, a beautiful mother and handsome son," Hari nodded. I was taken aback by that hidden compliment. Hari didn't seem to notice and pointed to a small box on the wall.

"Some medical masks are in there if you want them, good luck in town." The arrow headed male called over his shoulder as he left the room.

"Ok! Ready to go out?" I smile brightly at Kai. He blinked at me, confusion painted his features.

Giggling, I went to grab two medical masks. I quickly pulled one onto my face, then pulled one onto Kai's.

Once we finally got out of the lair. Kai was looking around with eyes full of interest. It was adorable.

"Hey, Kai, do you want to get a treat? Something sweet?" I ask. He nodded, then pointed to a place across the street.

"There?" He mumbled, looking into your eyes. So we start walking that way, him keeping a tight hold on your fingers.

That's when you saw him. The green brunette, Kai eyed the boy worriedly.

"Don't worry, " I whisper. "With quirks these days, he won't question our masks."

But I was wrong. Once the freckled boy saw us, he looked at Kai in shock. Then he headed towards me.

"Hello madam," the boy dipped his head. I try to muster a small smile, Kai was hiding behind my legs. "And who might this be?" The boy glanced behind me.

"My son," I respond. Trying to keep a strict face, the face most mother's make when someone is questioning their child.

"Oh, he just looks oddly familiar." He continued to look at Kai. Before I picked the boy hiding behind me and placed him on my hip. "What's his name?"

"His name is Riku, and if you don't mind, I have things to do."

"O-oh yes, sorry for wasting your time," the boy backed away, passing one last glance back at me and Kai.

"That was weird, now let's get something to eat." I smile.

We enjoyed our ice cream before heading back 'home'.

Author POV.

The days went by, and you babied the hell out of Kai. From getting him thing he won't even need when he turns back, to plenty of sweets. Kai got it all.

You and Kai were currently cuddling while you both were sleeping. When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw a quite handsome male with his arms around you.

Panic started to rise in your chest. Then the male raised his head to look you in the eyes. "Hello y/n~," he cooed. Voice deep from sleep.

" Hi Kai," you smile. The continue to sleep with the love for your life.

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