Hit by a quirk (Katsuki Bakugo!)

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•/:\" Katsuki Bakugo "/:\•

Walking into the main room, you look around at the crowd of people. Flicking your tail, you walk over.

"What's going on?" You ask Sero.

"Well.... Bakugou was hit by an animal quirk and-" the male couldn't finish because of his laughter, but he pointed his finger at the small fluffy, red-eyed Pomeranian that was growling aggressively at everyone.

That's when it hit you and you started to laugh your ass off.

The Pomeranian turned, or jumped and swirled, to you. It stopped growling.

"Oh my god." You wheeze. " Is that Bakugo!"

The Pomeranian barked in response. Narrowing its eyes at you.

"Oh so it is Bakugo.." you finally caught your breath.

Flicking your right cat ear, you sit on the ground and hold out your hands. Bakugo lowly growled, but inches over to you. As soon as he was in your hands, you stand, holding him close as you spin in glee.

You couldn't believe your boyfriend was turned into an animal, it has a hilarious sight to see. Everyone watched as you bounced up the stairs and into your dorm room.

Once you shut the door, you transform into your cat form. Wiggling out of your pile of clothes, you pad over to the fluffy Pomeranian.

You let loose a purr as you nuzzle into his fur. It was so soft! Even though you already knew that, but it was amazing to see your boyfriend in animal just like you.

He growled lowly, and you bat his ears, then continued to cuddle him. He stayed still, pissed off cause he hated looking like this but, at least he could see your beautiful cat form up close.

He relaxed just a bit as you continued to nuzzle into his fur. Then you bounced away, crouching, tail high in the air. A wide smirk was on your cat face as you took this simple battle stance.

The angry male was confused as hell, but when you playfully pounced ontop of him, he understood what you were doing.

Smirking, he fought back, playfully batting at your sides, while you were tugging gently on his fluffy ears.

Soon enough you stopped tugging on his ears, snapping your head to the door, a low threatening hiss rising in your throat.

Ears pressed against your head you slowly stalk forward. Then the door creaked open. It was Mina. You immediately relaxed and padded back to Bakugou. He was amazed, how could you hear that?

Mina sat on the bed, "So whatcha guys doin'?"

You playfully pounce on Bakugo to demonstrate.

"Ooooo, play fighting?"

You nod, purring loudly as you continue to nom on your boyfriend's ears.

A/n; no y/n is not obsessed with ears... I just think it's cute for a cat to chew on a dog's ear and it not caring.

Mina gasped in awe, pulling out her phone and started recording. Bakugou wasn't to sure if he wanted to play fight anymore, but you didn't care.

You pounce on him again, snarling playfully as you paw at his head. He shrugged off the fact that Mina was recording, and decided to make this more of a real fight. He growled loudly and bit your paw, hissing in pain you recoil that paw.

Glaring at him and the challenging look in his puppy eyes. You shake your paw and leap on him, pinning him down as you bat his stomach with powerful blows. Then quickly bounced off, swaying your tail and purring at his confused look.

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