"Oh good, Kid, you got him." Rai sighed. Noticing the wicked smile on the arsonist's face, turned to me. "What's he so happy about?" 

"Something about a ray gun that causes people to never sleep." 

"Sounds fake but ok." Rai laughs. 

"It's not fake." The arsonist grumbles.

"So what's your name?" 

"Markus Kennedy." Markus says grumpily. 

"You're going away for a while Markus Kennedy. 10 years minimum." I smile tiredly. 

"Whatever, it was worth it." Markus snaps evilly. 

I yawn tiredly which causes him to grin. 

"Captain, do you have this? I'm really tired. I didn't get much sleep last night or tonight, well before you called me anyway." 

"Yeah go for it. I'll bring him to the police station." 

I give him a grateful grin before turning around and heading home. 

- time skip - 

My phone blares the alarm for seven a.m. alerting me that I must get up from bed. Not that I slept at all last night. I was certainly exhausted, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. 

I rub my hands over my eyes, trying to wake myself up, if I could just fall asleep, but no. I pull myself from my cocoon of my duvets design and change from my pyjamas which consisted of plaid pyjama bottoms and a black tank top, into a similar in style yellow plaid and old jeans. 

I barely bother in combing and gelling my hair, instead leaving it as a bed head mess. As I climb down the stairs, I see my sister already up, dressed, showered and eating breakfast. She's always been a morning person. 

"Hey Piper." I sigh tiredly. 

Piper looked up at me as I cross the room to get to the kitchen. 

"Are you ok bro?" Piper asks me, a mouth full of toaster waffle. 

"I'm fine, I just had a late night last night, stupid Markus Kennedy, and I couldn't sleep the rest of the night." I grumble tiredly. 

"Who's Markus Kennedy?" She asks. 

"He's the bloody arsonist that has been torching buildings all around town. Shot me with someone, I hit my head." I mumble. 

"Is you head ok?" She asks me, getting up to pour me a cup of coffee from the pot she had on the stove. 

"Yeah of course, I've had worse. Plus I cleaned it when I got home." I sighed.

"Henry are you sure you're ok?" She placed the cup in front of me.

"I'm just really tired." I groan, snagging her waffle from her hand and taking a bite before handing it back to her, downing about a quarter of my coffee. 

"Henry if you ask Rai for half the day off to sleep, I'm sure he would relent. Plus, you've been working really hard lately, it would be good for you." Piper advised. 

"You know I'd love to stay home and sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep last night so why should I be able to this morning, and plus, I just had this cup of coffee so there's no way I would be able to get to sleep now." 

"Fine, just drink your coffee and we can go to work." Said Piper. 

- time skip - 

As we rode down the elevator, I leant my head against the speeding elevator as Piper clung to me, screaming violently. 

Henry Danger OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now