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The breeze blew gently, leaves rustling lightly outside. The room was barely illuminated by the setting sun's rays seeping past the silk curtains.

Heavy heated breathing and the creaking of the mattress cut through the silence. The outside world faded in their passion-filled minds.

Pale arms clung to the other's neck, nails scraping against their back as he relished in the temporary distraction. Clinging to the moment, wishing it'd last just a little longer. Clinging on to escape, for a few more moments.


"Are those hickeys?!" Called out the flabbergasted Cuban male, fussing over the various purple markings and bites on his friend's translucent neck and collarbone.

Tired violet eyes looked away with a practiced bashfulness, expertly dodging the questions thrown at him.

Going threw his day as he would any other, but the static in his mind only seemed louder now.


Another night, another nameless someone. Clothes strewn on the ground, the room dimly lit by only the bright moon shining brightly in the night sky.

He took the chance and let the tears fall, unbeknownst to his partner the real reason behind his tears.



They never stayed.

He'd allow himself to relish in the warmth brought by the comfort of being held, only to awake feeling cold once more.

He'd wake to an empty bed and static ringing louder than before.


Waist-length Silver hair that flowed beautifully, Navy blue eyes that shimmered brilliantly, smooth mocha skin without a blemish in sight.

Another distraction, or so he was supposed to be. But to what the pale male awoke to this time around wasn't what he was accustomed to.

He felt warm, he felt safe and he panicked. His eyes shot open, being met with the sight of the sleeping male he'd spent the night with. Though unusual, he hadn't a doubt in mind that said Male would wake any moment and just as the others, he too would leave.

They always leave.


Classes continued as per usual. He was lost in his own mind once again, the professor's voice being drowned out. He tried to focus, but the more he did the worse the ringing became.

His gaze fell on a pair of familiar Navy blue irises, staring at him with an emotion that felt all too dangerously familiar.

It made his stomach churn as he quickly averted his gaze. He was seeing things, it wasn't possible.

He refused to play that game again.

Funny how he believed fate would give him a choice.


He'd approach him after classes, blue eyes gazing upon him intently. He tried to ignore the looks thrown his way after the two had their fun. That's all it was and he'd told him.

He needed a distraction, not someone to try and put back together what was long ago shattered.

But it didn't stop the taller from gazing at him as if he were the most precious thing to him, it didn't stop him from treating the paler of the two as though he was something delicate.

His skin burned where the other touched. He'd begun to fall down the same treacherous rabbit hole once again.

And he wouldn't stand for it.

Not after pushing so hard to forget. The static was much more comforting than the familiar silence that had begun to fill his mind once again as of late.


"You asked to meet?" Spoke that deep, smooth voice that sent a delicious shiver down his spine.

They stood but a few feet apart. His back facing the other, refusing to turn around and meet those hypnotic blue eyes. The leaves rustled lightly in the breeze from the branches above. The street lights shined brightly, as did the moon and its empire of twinkling stars.

The wind and the rustling of leaves were the only things to be heard for a few moments before he spoke up.

"This has to end."

"What?" The other asked, surprised.

"I'm putting an end to our little extra activities." He said, keeping his voice calm.

It's becoming something it shouldn't.

"You don't get to just make decisions like that!"

"I'm sure you'll find another fuck buddy soon." He said, his voice monotone.

There was silence. Taking that as his cue to leave, he began to walk back, his violet eyes glued to the ground.

"That isn't all this is and you know it!"


"You are so much more than just that to me"


"Keith, these days that I've spent with you have felt like nothing I'd ever felt before."

Stop it.

"You've become someone very important to me and I can't describe what I feel for you in words alone"

I can't.

"Keith, I-"

"Stop it. Don't you dare say it. Don't you dare stand there and feed me bullshit."

You're no different. You'll leave too. I know it, they always leave.

"Stop pretending to care!"

"Pretending?! Keith, I do care! I want to get to know you, the real you! Not the person you pretend to be! I want to help you because I see that there's something hurting you! You're in pain and I-"

"Please" his voice cracked as he pleaded, "don't do this. Don't act like you care" he was barely keeping himself together. He wanted to believe him, he wanted to fall into his arms and be held as he so desperately craved.

He craved to be held like he mattered, but he was terrified. He didn't dare hope, he couldn't allow himself to believe a word he said. No, he was barely making it, he couldn't take being torn down again.

Keith tensed when he felt himself being pulled into an embrace. Desperately trying to free himself, as he trembled.

"Let me help you. I'll take you for what you are, and I'll love you, no matter what imperfection you show me."

The static was gone. The ringing as well. His blood felt like ice in his veins.

It'll end the same way..

Falling for the same tricks all over again, expecting a different result is naive and idiotic.

He wanted to, gods he wanted to, but he was terrified of continuing to fall, being uncertain on whether or not those navy blue eyes would be there to catch him.

Was love really worth the risk?


A/N: Yeah, not proud of it, but when am I ever proud of my work? Sorry for the wait, school has drained whatever minuscule amount of energy I may have had. I had an idea for this chapter but then lost track of what was going on halfway through, sorry.

Kangst one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें