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It was a simple mission. The plan was supposed to be fool-proof, so how did things end so horribly?


"We're in" He whispered, his eyes scanning his surroundings before quietly but swiftly making his way to his destination.

"Good job, Keith." Came Hunk's voice from his earpiece

"You just need to get to the command room and insert the chip." Instructed Pidge, their voice carrying a serious tone.

The raven-haired male continued his journey, dodging guards and remaining as quiet as possible. 

They had planned everything out so perfectly, but they could never have anticipated what was to come.

"Begin stage two, things are going exactly as planned" That voice

Keith's breath hitched slightly, Why was she here? She should have left by now!

"Pidge bad news-" He began but was cut off by the raspy voice of the witch.

"Someone's here"

Fool-proof, the plan was meant to be fool-proof

He held his breath, pressing his body to the wall attempting to hide in the shadows. Footsteps grew closer; his head had begun to pound from the lack of oxygen.

A loud explosion broke the silence. The ship rocked violently causing the male to nearly lost his footing. The ship's alarms blared, crimson lights flashed throughout. Taking advantage of the situation the violet-orbed male made a run for it. Running as fast as his legs would take him to the command room.

The ship shook once again, sending him slamming into a wall. Groaning, he stood firm, his mind was focused on his objective only. He ran, not stopping when his legs began to ache and his chest began to burn. 

It's just up ahead!

The shaking came in waves, each time he was thrown off balance, but he didn't stay down nor did he try to find a way out. They needed the information, a little pain was a price he was willing to pay for the safety of protecting others. 

Finally entering the room, he rushed over to the multiple monitors and controls. Not wasting time, he slipped the chip he kept hidden into a small slot and waited for the data to transfer.

Things were looking up....until they weren't

Shots were fired, he barely managed to dodge them. Running headfirst towards the bots, he took ahold of his dagger, letting it grow in size. The bots fell easily, and by then the information was just about finished transferring.

He ripped the small device from its place; running out of the room at full speed. Only then did he realize that he hadn't heard a single word from the other line.

"Pidge!" He shouted hoping to be heard over all the noise that surrounded him.

He didn't receive a response; worry spread throughout him as he began to shout the names of all his comrades in a futile attempt to reach them. He was only met with static; gritting his teeth he continued to run with no idea of where he was heading.

I need to get to them!

His blind running led him to an opening on the ship's side. Looking down his eyes were met with a rocky surface below. The ship had crash-landed on some sort of planet; without giving it a second thought he jumped; thankfully the planet had gravity. 

Where could they be?!

Screams, they sounded so clear.

He rushed towards the commotion, his own safety was the last thing on his mind. His eyes widened at the scene before him. His comrades weren't fighting in their lion's; they were on the planet engaged in combat with the enemy.

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